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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Sakurako's wifu potential is kissing the heavens, it is so high, and that's after only a single episode.


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well... I could careless about this season..... cause YOWAPEDA 3 ANNOUNCED! Yea.... so 2016 is looking really good.

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uran10 said:
well... I could careless about this season..... cause YOWAPEDA 3 ANNOUNCED! Yea.... so 2016 is looking really good.

Don't you mean that is looking solid?

Versus_Evil said:

What about you? What you watching from your backlog?

Well, I've been watching Durarara and Gintama for a while, so I'll continue to fill up time with those. Primarily though, I started watching Golden Time recently, being the huge fan of Toradora that I am. So far I love it. It's a little different than the usual rom-com I watch, with the characters in college, and the OTP getting together early on, but it still keeps me interested all the same time. It hasn't resonated with me as much as Toradora did (which was probably too lofty of a goal to begin with), but I like almost all the characters, and it has a great mix of comedy and romance.

My cat likes it too: 

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Versus_Evil said:
Im finally tackling Naruto Shippuden, im on episode 75/433 gonna carch up before November :3 when does it end? 500 episodes?

I take it that you watched the Naruto series before that? I don't think it will ever end. It's a good anime. I just wish they would ease off of the fillers. It's not as bad as bleach though. 

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Aeolus451 said:
Versus_Evil said:
Im finally tackling Naruto Shippuden, im on episode 75/433 gonna carch up before November :3 when does it end? 500 episodes?

I take it that you watched the Naruto series before that? I don't think it will ever end. It's a good anime. I just wish they would ease off of the fillers. It's not as bad as bleach though. 

At least Bleach had decent reason for filler, being within proximity of the manga and needing to add a little breathing room. Shippuden could have ended almost a year ago though. The manga finished November last year. It doesn't even make sense if they're trying to ease into the sequel series, as that was a one volume story that started and concluded already. They just dragged out the series because they could.


Just started Psycho Pass; so far so good, quite enjoying the premise and the characters.
Also decided to finish kill LA kill so I've got that on the go as well

#1 Amb-ass-ador

ReimTime said:
Just started Psycho Pass; so far so good, quite enjoying the premise and the characters.
Also decided to finish kill LA kill so I've got that on the go as well

Stick to season one of Psycho Pass (the first 22 episodes). It's great. Avoid season two. It pretty much ditches everything great about the first season for a blah plot and poor character development.


LuckyTrouble said:
Aeolus451 said:
Versus_Evil said:
Im finally tackling Naruto Shippuden, im on episode 75/433 gonna carch up before November :3 when does it end? 500 episodes?

I take it that you watched the Naruto series before that? I don't think it will ever end. It's a good anime. I just wish they would ease off of the fillers. It's not as bad as bleach though. 

At least Bleach had decent reason for filler, being within proximity of the manga and needing to add a little breathing room. Shippuden could have ended almost a year ago though. The manga finished November last year. It doesn't even make sense if they're trying to ease into the sequel series, as that was a one volume story that started and concluded already. They just dragged out the series because they could.

I wasn't basing any of the anime off of the manga. I measure anime by itself since I honestly don't read any manga. 

Bleach had random side arcs that interrupted the main story that had nothing to do with what was going at the moment. It was really annoying honestly and the storyline itself got boring.

Naruto shippuden would just dive too deeply into backstory or events in the past but they were related to main story at the time.

Aeolus451 said:
I wasn't basing any of the anime off of the manga. I measure anime by itself since I honestly don't read any manga. 

Bleach had random side arcs that interrupted the main story that had nothing to do with what was going at the moment. It was really annoying honestly and the storyline itself got boring.

Naruto shippuden would just dive too deeply into backstory or events in the past but they were related to main story at the time.

I don't read manga either, but it's impossible to divorce the source material from the anime when determining why filler exists, or why an ending may have sucked. For example, with Yu Yu Hakusho, the ending was kind of blah. That directly correlates to the manga though, as they adapted the material fine. It was the manga that messed it up because the author I guess has his share of issues.

To me, I don't care how nice some of the Naruto filler is. They still just shove five to 20 episodes whereever they want to, disrupting whatever is happening, for backstory that manga readers never needed to create a comprehensive and complete story. It is the exact same problem as Bleach. All because you like some of the filler more doesn't mean it is any less disruptive and harmful to the flow of the story. After a certain point, it becomes nothing more than a reason to bleed consumers dry who want to invest in a physical collection, and your filler better be god damn light years beyond the regular story if it's going to be used as an excuse to charge people more money.

The long and short of it is that Shippuden is still worse for abusing filler when the show should have ended already. Filler should be used exclusively to create a buffer when necessary because the show is getting too close to the manga. That's it though. Anything past that is just annoying and relatively anti-consumer.