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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Hacka Doll... Wtf

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ReimTime said:
Do you guys ever notice a stigma when it comes to admitting to others that you watch anime? Almost everyone I know watches it; whether that be big bodybuilders, my professors, bikers, nerds, paramedics etc etc. But whenever myself or my roommates tell some people that we watch and love anime they say "but you don't look like a weeaboo otaku!" Or "but you're pretty, you can't like anime".

Then we laugh at them and hang AoT posters and use anime characters for Halloween down with the stigma!

No wonder you don't look like weebs. You filthy casuals who only watch anime to be popular.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Roronaa_chan said:
Hacka Doll... Wtf

I shall explain!


That is all.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Heavy Object episode 1 was ... pretty generic. Some good dialogue but the characters look to be cliche and the premise is uninspiring. Cute girls operating mecha again? I groan every time I see this. Still, the ending gave some hope that the story might turn out somewhat interesting and the voice acting was good.

Also, I get that it's supposed to be super-armored but ... those guns are still vulnerable. The Object in the opening would have been rendered helpless. Super-heavy class weaponry is nothing new and it usually sucks.

vivster said:
ReimTime said:
Do you guys ever notice a stigma when it comes to admitting to others that you watch anime? Almost everyone I know watches it; whether that be big bodybuilders, my professors, bikers, nerds, paramedics etc etc. But whenever myself or my roommates tell some people that we watch and love anime they say "but you don't look like a weeaboo otaku!" Or "but you're pretty, you can't like anime".

Then we laugh at them and hang AoT posters and use anime characters for Halloween down with the stigma!

No wonder you don't look like weebs. You filthy casuals who only watch anime to be popular.

#1 Amb-ass-ador

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I think Hackadoll is quite endearing. Trigger is still small, they need those small gigs to prepare for KLK2.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

ReimTime said:
Do you guys ever notice a stigma when it comes to admitting to others that you watch anime? Almost everyone I know watches it; whether that be big bodybuilders, my professors, bikers, nerds, paramedics etc etc. But whenever myself or my roommates tell some people that we watch and love anime they say "but you don't look like a weeaboo otaku!" Or "but you're pretty, you can't like anime".

Then we laugh at them and hang AoT posters and use anime characters for Halloween down with the stigma!

I've been considering how to answer this and all I can think to say is that gross generalizations reflect worse on those who make them.  

I don't advertise that I like anime--or video-games, for matter--but that's because I have no desire to talk about my hobbies unless I suspect that someone else shares an interest.  Honestly, if someone did insult me about my hobbies, I'd just have less respect for that person.  I might shrug and move on or I might try to make them feel stupid.  

Either way, I guess it's not something I have much concern over.  Good for you for not giving into that kind of pressure, though.

Jranation said:
Welcome Back! There was a lot of awesome animes in the Summer Season (best season imo) so i don't know if you've been tracking it but theres a lot to look forward.

Thanks! If you want to recommend me some, I will put them on my watch list!

Also thanks you to the rest as well! Its good to be back!!!

Random Picture of the day: Guess the anime crossovers!!!


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

First one is Hibike! and K-On

Second one is Lucky Star, Madoka and I don't know the other one

Third I don't know only that is Toradora

Fourth is Danmachi and Miku?

Noragami returns
And with a nice supercell ED too