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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony: EA Access Doesn't "Represent Good Value To The PlayStation Gamer"

I'm just glad to get this service on X1. To bad for other gamers, it's always great to have options.

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If it's not Dragon Age or Mass Effect then I don't care. Those are the only "EA" games I buy. The rest is meh..

Mr Puggsly said:
BMaker11 said:

Uhhh....PS+ already gives discounts on games and DLC, full game trials, and free games per month. And it's pretty across the board (meaning, EA games included). Why would you want a publisher specific subscription? What if it blows up? Then there's gonna be an "Activision Access" and "Ubisoft Access" and "Capcom Access". Then there won't be a "point" to PS+...which already does the things that EA Access is going to do.

No, there will still be a purpose for PS+. They can still charge people for online play.

God forbid other publishers make subscription services like EA Access. That might lead to people getting games they actually want to play.

Guess you didn't read the following where I said PS+ only being there to play online = not good value to PS gamers.

And I guess Grid 2, Borderlands 2, Bioshock Infinite, DmC, Metro Last Light, Payday 2, Tomb Raider, Remember Me, Arkham City, PES 2014, NBA2K14 (and that's just off the top of my head, PS3 only) are games people, presumably, don't want to play? And the publishers didn't get any money from these games being on IGC, that people didn't want to play? Not like they don't also have DLC which goes directly into their pockets, as well.

I don't see what you're getting at. But if you think opening the flood gates like that is a good thing, I guess that's just a difference of opinion. The trial, discounts, and free games will be ripped from PS+/GwG and put on a publisher by publisher subscription service. So you'll be paying $30 if you want EA stuff, $30 if you want Activision stuff, etc. instead of having some uniformity. But I guess spending more and more is a good thing =/

kowenicki said:
bananaking21 said:
kowenicki said

point stands.

so does his. 

infact the only point that is completely redundant is that bolded one. 

Xbox gamers can have a backlog that will be huge soon too.

There is no difference.  usi g it as a defemce (thats what it is) against not having this  new EA choice is pointless.

This is about choice and Sony denying it because it messes with their financial plans. 

It isnt about value for gamers, its about profits for Sony.

If its about value why hasnt PSNow been strangled at birth for the absolutely outrageous rip off that it is.


I said for me personally I dont see any need for it but thats just me. I am not defending anything, I think it is great value for x1 users and I also agree with the notion that Sony should give the option to the gamers. Am I not allowed to express my opinion on wanting or not wanting this service for myself?

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

All of Sony's comments in the OP are such garbage. "PS+ is up 200%" - no shit, it's now required for online play. Don't act like it's a good thing.

And the One exclusivity is either MS paying EA or Sony not wanting another subscription to compete with their own, either way it has nothing to do with consumers interests.

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walsufnir said:

Why wouldn't they let their customers decide what is of value and what isn't? Sounds like they are bitter.

You need to take a few days off the forums i think, your dislike for playstation and everything that is on it has been getting more and more blatent as of late.

kowenicki said:
BMaker11 said:

I'll take $50 for everybody over $90 for EA only, every day of the week.

But you dont have that choice on your PS4.

Yea, you're right. I don't have the option. I guess what I should say is "the option would be nice, but I wouldn't get it anyway. At least, not on top of a PS+ sub which already gives me the same stuff"

BMaker11 said:

I don't see what you're getting at. But if you think opening the flood gates like that is a good thing, I guess that's just a difference of opinion. The trial, discounts, and free games will be ripped from PS+/GwG and put on a publisher by publisher subscription service. So you'll be paying $30 if you want EA stuff, $30 if you want Activision stuff, etc. instead of having some uniformity. But I guess spending more and more is a good thing =/

Maybe PS+ is really bad for publishers.. ever thought about that? Not generating any income for the publishers.. could be the reason why EA did it..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Tamron said:
walsufnir said:

Why wouldn't they let their customers decide what is of value and what isn't? Sounds like they are bitter.

You need to take a few days off the forums i think, your dislike for playstation and everything that is on it has been getting more and more blatent as of late.

I don't have to and your advice is neither needed not welcome. Stating opinions should never be wrong (if they stay at a civil way, of course).

But your attempt for acting like a mod was taken with a grin

walsufnir said:

I don't have to and your advice is neither needed not welcome. Stating opinions should never be wrong (if they stay at a civil way, of course).

But your attempt for acting like a mod was taken with a grin

It was a civil, level headed suggestion. it's of course entirely your choice if you take it or not.