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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do so many people hate indies?

ohmylanta1003 said:
Clyde32 said:
I noticed that some people are answering the question in the title instead of commenting on the article. You guys I'm not asking the question I'm posting the article.

Then change the title. And I read it earlier on IGN, but it's a long read. Most people probably just want to answer the question in the title instead of going through the article.

I'm still learning on the title deal. I'm trying to make it as clickbait as possible. 

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I don't buy any download only game, period. That means I don't buy any indie games. Now if they release it on a disc, I will purchase them instantly because they look like nice and fun games (not all but some)

Clyde32 said:


The point is, both sides of the spectrum have weight and value, yet the scale is slowly (and demonstrably) being tipped toward the so-called indie side in terms of not only volume, but in terms of quality. And again, I don't mean indie literally; I mean it in the sense of how a lot of the haters mean it, describing smaller games made on smaller budgets from smaller teams. This shift marks an inevitable move as the mid-tier developers all but disappear, triple-A-reliant studios close down left and right, and the few big publishers left streamline their operations to make the most money (though I have to give a shoutout to Ubisoft here, a publisher that supports games across the spectrum, and Sony, who gives money hand-over-fist to studios it doesn't even own to create IP that isn't even exclusive).



I'm actually really curious has their been any games where sony actually did this? I mean I know sony santa monica helps indies with game development but in their case most all of the games are exclusive to sony systems.  

cantaim said:
Clyde32 said:


The point is, both sides of the spectrum have weight and value, yet the scale is slowly (and demonstrably) being tipped toward the so-called indie side in terms of not only volume, but in terms of quality. And again, I don't mean indie literally; I mean it in the sense of how a lot of the haters mean it, describing smaller games made on smaller budgets from smaller teams. This shift marks an inevitable move as the mid-tier developers all but disappear, triple-A-reliant studios close down left and right, and the few big publishers left streamline their operations to make the most money (though I have to give a shoutout to Ubisoft here, a publisher that supports games across the spectrum, and Sony, who gives money hand-over-fist to studios it doesn't even own to create IP that isn't even exclusive).



I'm actually really curious has their been any games where sony actually did this? I mean I know sony santa monica helps indies with game development but in their case most all of the games are exclusive to sony systems.  

Don't ask me. That's the part of the article that I rolled my eyes at and skipped.

Thank goodness Colin doesn't get to decide what is wrong headed or silly. People know their wants and needs better than he does no matter how many years he has been gaming. I also don't think Colin is qualified enough to know what holds the industry back.

He can try to wax poetic to make indies seem romantic all he wants. Those qualities don't even apply to most let alone all indie games. Cheap doesn't necessarily make them better. This is why we have the phrase you get what you pay for.

I don't understand why people whom purchased a fairly expensive dedicated gaming device get demonized because they prefer to only play marquee games on it. That's what publishers showed people when advertising and talking about the machines.

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I remember the exact moment when I stopped being indifferent to indies and begun straight up hating them.
It was in November 2013, Sony's PS4 launch show, and the previews showed Shuhei Yoshida in shock and awe when he found out that a then undisclosed game will be a PS4 exclusive.
Everybody was excited, rumors started flying, people's hopes were raised through the roof.
Then the reveal comes and it's - Towerfall Ascension! An Ouya game!

That should have been a sign of things to come.

Therefore, I don't buy indie games, I don't care much for them being free with PS+, and while even a blind chicken pecks a corn every once in a while, indies are still predominantly crappy.

Except a few indies most of the indie games are garbage.

Because they are all 8-bitz or 16-bitz sidescrollers!!!!!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Today's world is about labels. You are a gamer? You must be a core gamer then although you can't definitely describe what that means. Your mum plays games? Oh she's so casual. The game is awesome? Oh must be AAA. It's not? Oh crap, indie. Maybe tagging wasn't a great idea the internet came up with after all.

Yes, the majority of indie games are "crap" to people who have been playing games for decades. They rarely offer new or interesting stuff but when they do, they are instant hits and we shouldn't forget that those games then receive massive praise for one small idea that entertains you for maybe 2 hours.
It depends on your own position whether you feel like indie games are hated. If you like them, or some, or one specific game, you simply are more sensitive when it comes to "reviews" (read: comments). And it's not like the internet is known as a place of positive reviews and a platform to praise stuff. It's always about negatives.

People hate on indie games because they assume that when indie games are made that means big AAA titles aren't being worked on. It's mostly something misinformed gamers do. They don't know that indie games are not taking anything away from the big games, they think Sony or Microsoft are the ones actually spending their time making the indie games themselves. 

The others that hate on indie games just do it to try to find something to argue about in the console wars. Example: "LoLz Sony has FloWer and JurNey! While XboNE has HaLo and GeARz! SoNy Sux"