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Clyde32 said:


The point is, both sides of the spectrum have weight and value, yet the scale is slowly (and demonstrably) being tipped toward the so-called indie side in terms of not only volume, but in terms of quality. And again, I don't mean indie literally; I mean it in the sense of how a lot of the haters mean it, describing smaller games made on smaller budgets from smaller teams. This shift marks an inevitable move as the mid-tier developers all but disappear, triple-A-reliant studios close down left and right, and the few big publishers left streamline their operations to make the most money (though I have to give a shoutout to Ubisoft here, a publisher that supports games across the spectrum, and Sony, who gives money hand-over-fist to studios it doesn't even own to create IP that isn't even exclusive).



I'm actually really curious has their been any games where sony actually did this? I mean I know sony santa monica helps indies with game development but in their case most all of the games are exclusive to sony systems.