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Today's world is about labels. You are a gamer? You must be a core gamer then although you can't definitely describe what that means. Your mum plays games? Oh she's so casual. The game is awesome? Oh must be AAA. It's not? Oh crap, indie. Maybe tagging wasn't a great idea the internet came up with after all.

Yes, the majority of indie games are "crap" to people who have been playing games for decades. They rarely offer new or interesting stuff but when they do, they are instant hits and we shouldn't forget that those games then receive massive praise for one small idea that entertains you for maybe 2 hours.
It depends on your own position whether you feel like indie games are hated. If you like them, or some, or one specific game, you simply are more sensitive when it comes to "reviews" (read: comments). And it's not like the internet is known as a place of positive reviews and a platform to praise stuff. It's always about negatives.