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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which Nintendo series will live longer: Mario or Pokemon?

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Mario or Pika... Pokemon?

Marioooo! 107 54.87%
Pika Pika! (Pokemon) 39 20.00%
those answers were cheesy (abstains to vote) 18 9.23%
Doesn't care 3 1.54%
See results 28 14.36%

I dont think any of those would die...
However if i had to choose i'd pick mario for dying first!
Its never going to happen, but i think pokemon is just more popular these days!

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Pokemon since it's heavily involved in other media rather than just gaming.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!



NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Mario is certainly the mascot, but I will say this, Pokemon has vastly better sales, and appeal. Rarely will I see adults, or peers play Mario, but I always see them playing Pokemon. I still play Pokemon to this day, but Mario has lost the appeal it once had.

Mario will still forever.

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The problem with pokemon is you can't create new pokemon forever, they should stop perhaps with pokemon number 1000

OneHappyGamer:) said:

I'd say neither, they would both go on till the end of time. I mean, come on... its mario and pokemon we're talking about.

but If I'd had to choose id say Mario. Mario is in almost every single genre, so if one mario game fails, then they have another type of mario game. pokemon doesn't have as many succesful spinoffs as mario, nowhere near close.

In reality, the only Pokemon spin-off which I would consider to be successful is Pokemon Snap! The Colosseum games did OK, but that's about it..

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

sidmeiernintifan said:
The problem with pokemon is you can't create new pokemon forever, they should stop perhaps with pokemon number 1000

Sure they can. As long as we player accept it. And we will. Because it's Pokemon, and we won't let it die. Even if all the new Pokemon are ugly.. we still have old Pokemon. And we still have Mega Evolutions for old Pokemon. Pokemon will not die in this generation (Human Generation!) just because of the numbers of creatures. Pretty sure Nintendo would die first. 

On the other hand.. I wonder what new stuff Mario has to offer in the future. 

Mario, but both series won't be dying anytime soon.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Ka-pi96 said:
prayformojo said:

You're forgetting something. Pokemon doesn't sell home consoles. It only pushes handhelds. Mario pushes both. So really, by default, Mario wins.

Oh really? Why don't you tell that to my Wii and Wii U which I wouldn't have bought if not for Pokemon.

You and your Wii/Wii-U do not represent even 10% of the gaming public. Pokemon didn't sell the Wii or Wii-U and has never been a home console seller.