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Forums - General Discussion - USA has the best athletes in the world?

What would happen if the US sent their best gridiron players to Australia and played Australian (aussie rules) footballers in a hybrid game of gridiron/football. Pretty funny and the Aussies would run rings around the yanks.



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Include the World Games. US wins if your looking at Gold Metal.

If our best athletes in the US were playing soccer it would be like a WORLD
allstar team over here. Imagine our soccer team.. all 6'4''+ super athletes who are bigger,faster,stronger than the rest.

I just want to see one video of a man outside the US who can jump over 7+ footers without using some sort of rocket attached to his feet.

Dont get me wrong there are super athletes born outside the US..
Ichiro for example is currently the best hitter in baseball possible strongest throwing/accurate arm in outfield.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



sorry but u only take

basket : top sport in US
football : TOP sport in the US

Why dont u give us some soccer video ? or mabe ski ? or even rugby ? or handball maybe ?

Time to Work !

Basketball is currently ranked 4th behind football, nascar,baseball as far as ratings go

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Im just choosing sports where athletic ability can be displayed to its fullest potential


speed/power/ability/VERTICAL LEAP



I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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Tiger Woods. Nothing more need be said.

Australian cricket team. Enough said. Thats right, America are useless at cricket.



""Im just choosing sports where athletic ability can be displayed to its fullest potential

speed/power/ability/VERTICAL LEAP""

==> that is why u are wrong :

==> funny and skilled, isn't it ?

==> best skateboarder in this category

==> GOD is with us (USA ^^)

==> little guy ASS (face ?) the american big guy ................................... lol

Time to Work !

PDF said:
it is pretty stupid to argue which country has the best athletes because they come from individuals not a country. It has almost nothing to do with nationality. Other then those kenyan runners.

If we are gonna wage with argument then it is simple to say U.S.A wins

That chart of AoA proves nothing. Why does it matter how many people you have per gold medal? It should only matter the amount of gold medals.
explain to me why it matters?


How does it not, are you for real? Sounds to me like you want to avoid facts because it makes your country seem beat out, Did you skip my other posts or something? Here I'll fetch them for you:


ArtofAngels said:
Okay say Bahamas doesn't count for one like you said, lets say it's like a one off for now, Australia however isn't, lets inflate our population to that of America for a second, that would mean Australia has, say, 255 Gold Medals, for a country with 300 million people, 35 Gold Medals is pretty poor wouldn't you say?

ArtofAngels said:
Or, lets shave off 280 million from America, still think you guys would have 35 Gold Medals? In fact, you'd have only 2, 3 at most.
Or Do you think that if we shaved off that 280 million by chance it will still boast your 35 Gold Medal Winning Athletes? I think not.


weezy said:

^^Im suprised he didnt take a dump on that dudes head while he was up there.

these arent amazing to you?

LOL sorry im quoting myself but I crack me up.



I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

