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Forums - General Discussion - USA has the best athletes in the world?

weezy said:
weezy said:

^^Im suprised he didnt take a dump on that dudes head while he was up there.

these arent amazing to you?

LOL sorry im quoting myself but I crack me up.

 This thumps yours weezy



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more like mark ass bitch

lol jk

that is one physical sport..god damn

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Screw everyone who is against weezy. His post is win just by posting the superman dunk.

Too bad i can't find his other awesome dunk videos because of the superman one.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

bigusdickus said:
There's never even been a half decent American F1 driver, and that's the only sport that I care much about :)

It's because they can't turn right :p


Danica Patrick!....acually she sucks

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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PDF said:
That chart of AoA proves nothing. Why does it matter how many people you have per gold medal? It should only matter the amount of gold medals.
explain to me why it matters?

Because if you consider the population size, then the medal count (and success in sports in general) actually says something about how good that country is in sports.

If you don't understand that obvious fact, try this: imagine the European Union becomes one country, then it would easily have the most medals. Does that mean Europeans are suddenly better at sports than before the EU became one country? Of course not, it just means they live in a bigger country now.

In reverse, imagine the USA splits up into its states. None of those states would get anywhere near the number of medals the USA as a whole wins now. Does that mean Americans suddenly became worse at sports? Again, of course not, it just means you're all living in smallish countries now.

In general, the medal list does give a good idea of what the best sports countries are. Of course you can't consider small countries with only 1 or 2 medal winners, that sample size is too small to get a decent statistic.

Australia probably IS the strongest sports country in the world, if you look at it objectively. Other remarkable sports countries are Cuba, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, ... . The USA is mediocre by all objective measures. And my own country (Belgium) is outright poor in sports.

weezy said:

I just want to see one video of a man outside the US who can jump over 7+ footers without using some sort of rocket attached to his feet.

I'd rather see the video of the one who can jump over 7+ footers with the rocket attached to the feet.

The US produces the largest proportion of top athletes because it is by far the world's largest developed nation. It's as simple as that.

Using the NBA or NFL as examples is a joke though, as Basketball and American "Football" are not played outside of America. They are sports invented by Americans so that they wouldn't feel bad about getting their ass kicked at real football (ya know, the one you actually play with your feet, as the name suggests). And don't even get me started on baseball or the ironically named "World Series"!

We have a variation of Basketball in the UK, but it is more difficult because you are not allowed to dribble. It's called Netball and it is played almost exclusively by schoolgirls.
We also have a variation of Baseball, but it is more difficult as you have to use a much smaller bat. It's called Rounders and it's played almost exclusively by schoolgirls.
We also have a game similar to American Football. It's called Rugby and it's played by posh blokes in shorts and t-shirts, not a bunch of steroid-freak pussies wearing helmets and pads so they don't get their pretty little faces smashed in!

In conclusion: Americans are pussies, and our empire was much bigger than yours will ever be!!!

P.S. Indians may be not be very good at most western sports, but they'll kick your ass at Kabaddi.

No point debating with Weezy on this he is like the biggest US athletes fanboy ever and will cherry pick his way through any argument

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


That table about medals per population means NOTHING. You know why? Because you can still have the same number of athletes that are actually in the Olympics. Also, the Olympics are made up of mostly amateur athletes and hardly anyone watches that crap anymore anyway. News flash, Soccer(futbol) sucks and is boring. The reason people in other countries like Soccer so much is because that this is the sport they are actually good at and it requires almost no expense at all. All you need is a ball, a field, and something to use as a goal(2 sticks would work really). Most of the sports in the Olympics are boring and a waste of time. Sports like American Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, etc. require a lot more overall atheleticism because you have to do multiple things at the same time. Most Olympic sports require you do do only 1 thing at a time.

"If you don't like me, bite me!"