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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Xbox One: A Lying Failure Machine

All the doom, and gloom articles, and rants being made about MS is starting to become petty.
Stories about it being weaker than the PS4. Why does this matter to anyone? Last gen the 360 was the weaker console than the PS3, this stopped no one from playing on it then.
Sony did the right thing this gen, by making (once again) the stronger system, but making it easier to develop for, it has made gamers, and developers happy. BRAVO!
All this noise is a repeat of last gen with Sony, and Microsoft systems switching seats in the beginning. Will Microsoft turn it around? It is hard to say, Will they make the commitment like Sony to develop more exclusive content, to make their system more compelling to not just the core gamer, but also to casuals.
Every Gen there is always a weaker console, these articles that continue to point out the hard numbers between the 2 systems a year later is getting old, and tiresome.
Hopefully I would like to see more articles about developers talking about their game, and new types of gameplay they were able to implement.
As I have said before, I consider myself a casual gamer, it was not until this gen of consoles that I decided to get online, and read about it, as opposed to my former method of reading Game mags.
Most casual gamers care about fun, and unique games to play (Why Nintendo is still around).
I find that games that suck me in because of fantastic controls, gameplay, or story mean so much more than graphics. Yes, don't get me wrong graphics are important. But to constantly read that the X1's graphics are so crap, is ridiculous.
I just hope this gen can move the argument away from graphics first, and more to what matters . Great games with compelling gameplay. Seems like Shovelknight has already proved that graphics are not everything as it has already been brought up for GOTY by several sites.

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iceland said:

Isn't that reversing their original vision though? I don't really how they can win either way...

MS: XBO will never come without Kinect


MS: You can now buy the Xbox One without the Kinect


It all just seems really pointless to me...

Shit changes, I don't really see the big issue here they're changing to appeal to more consumers. 

I will not applaud MS for doing what they should have done in the first place and I think its sad that some gamers wanna act like what they did to begin with was ok.

MS announced a console with "integrated kinect" and a heavy focus on TV and general media integration. In addition to this they announced an always online OS whose real primary use ws to monetize used game sales. Take note I said  announced not released.

Consumers were unhappy about everything I just mentioned and started complaining. First, they ignored consumers and tried every way possible to justify what they were trying to do, even though it was clearly obvious that it wasn't what consumers wanted. Then after the first pre-order details started coming in and MS could see that at that early stage consumers were talking with their money and going with PS4. They started the 180s. 

But what was really bad, is that even at that stage consumers were screaming for a kinectless SKU, months before the XB1 released and MS clearly on separate occasions said the XB1 CANNOT work without kinect. They also said that kinect was integral to the XB1 design and how the XB1 will NEVER be sold without kinect. And now here we are.

I don't think anyone is saying MS is wrong for giving people what they want, what is bad here is that people made MS know this isn't what they wanted before the XB1 even released. So MS is wrong for doing what they tried to do and what the even did to begin with. 

Yeah, I agree with him. I wish he would stop with all those jokes about how great he is, but he seems like an honest guy.

I liked the video, it was very persuasive and I could understand his point of view; however, he should make it part 1 or 3 series where he needs to critique Sony & Nintendo as well. No company is above criticism, especially Sony & Microsoft.

Xenostar said:
Machiavellian said:
Xenostar said:
Machiavellian said:
Aura7541 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Why would MS need to apologize.  The X1 is a product not some type of institution.  Consumers were never forced to do anything because they have the right to not purchase the device.

So if someone sold you a 4 star holiday and when you got there it was a youth hostel, you would say oh well there not an instituion they didnt force me to buy it.

That is just it, you were not sold a 4 star holiday.  You were told exactly what was included in the product.  Its not like MS hid anything.  They told you exactly what the product was and its focused.  Everyone had plenty of information to make a decision and they did.  When people stated that the product was flawed well they had to make drastic changes.  Hell its one of the reason I believe so many missing features were absent from the X1.  Having to change direction like they did probably ment a re-write of the OS.  When thinking about it, I am sure that their OS team pretty much stated, we have this much time to release a product, you either make a decision now or we go with the original plan.  Its something that is done in software development all the time when drastic parameters have changed.

The DRM granted, but the video doesnt just talk about the DRM, it talks about the promise of Kinect and it always being included and the talk of XBox entertainment bringing new and exclusive TV shows, 2 major features from there reveal press conference dropped 6 months after launch

Yes the video talks about Kinect and TV.  Kinect is still available for people that want it.  It still works and still integrate with the OS, Apps and TV stuff the console does today.  There are still games coming out for the device and all apps still work with the device.  So its not bundled.  Its still on MS to make people want Kinect so at this time lets just see what they can do to make that happen.  Right now its a little early to write the device off.

As for the TV stuff, I believe the things that are already in production are still happening.  You still get the Halo series and you still get the Quantum Break stuff.  What you will not get is MS wasting any more resources on trying to be a media company when that is clearly not their strength.  Personally I believe that was the best thing MS could have done.  That money can easily be put into game development or finance new games for the system.  I am sure Phil will find something to do with that capital.  

When all is said and done, its a rant about MS making changes for the better for their product and finding a reason to make it a negative.  Its classic fanboy dribble that we have seen coutless times and will continue to see as long as people for some emotional attachment to corporations.

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alabtrosMyster said:

Well, they had a couple of good news cycle.

this one is not "news" this is a weekly video opinion piece, this week he is covering the 180s and his opinion on them.

Sony other than the firmware updates being a little long in the hoven (still no DLNA and backward compatibility with PS1/2 sucks)... yet the PS4 as a consoles performs great, has a lot of games being released all the time and well, you normally don't have that question about a game's resolution on this machine, only the frame rates varies from titles to title... so people can concentrate on covering the games!

If performane was a given on the xb1 there would be no discussion on this topic, everyone would be happy, since like 90% of the games available on xb1 are also on the PS4... they're better on the PS4 AND the PS4 has all these indie titles ALSO... well you get the situation we have now, where the legally blind buy xb1 and the people with good eyesight/glasses get a PS4.

As of the Wii U, expectations are just different there (honestly if the console was 150 I would probably buy it).

From people I know who have a X1 all your points are the same.  The console works great, it does what it says on the box, their are games released for it all the time.  So games do not run all the time at the same res as the PS4.  Did people really care that much when games did not run at the same res on the PS3 compared to the 360.  No, most people just enjoyed the games they played on their console of choice and let the fanboys rage over such stuff.  People will buy the X1 because that is what they want.  Most people do not purchase a 4/500 bone device just because one fanboy rant or another convinced them otherwise.  

Even your post has a tint of the fanboy.  All games do not play better on the PS4 and the PS4 does not have all the indie games either.  These types of absolutes are just as bad as having another fanboy war with spec sheets and list wars.

orniletter said:
kitler53 said:
can you briefly summaries? don't want to click obvious clickbait. it just rewards the sinners.

A lot of people seem to be missing the point of the video, so here's a summary for those who keep jumping to conclusions or are just saying stupid shit that have nothing to do with what Jim's actually trying to say.

What Jim is not saying

  • The Xbox One in its current state isn't a good console or doesn't have games et cetera.
  • The Xbox One isn't worth buying.
  • People shouldn't be happy with the current state of the console.
  • The Xbox One should die off.

What Jim is saying

  • MS started out horribly, treated its consumers like shit and blamed them for their own shortcomings; after the constant deceit about how certain changes to DRM, kinect and many other things are impossible, they apply those changes like it's no problem.
  • People shouldn't just immediately perform fellatio on them for deciding not to treat us like total shit anymore. It's not that they performed an action in the interest of consumers, it's that they performed an action after they realized that their original ideas backfired.
  • The original vision of the One and the current state is significantly different. The original vision is thankfully dead.
  • Devs/Publishers/Industry should try to treat the consumer with respect from the get go and not lie to them and try to deceive them.
  • We shouldn't be thankful for them backpedaling and doing the bare minimum, they should be thankful that we still support them now after all they've done.

Don't treat people like shit. It's literally all the vid is about. How is that so hard to understand?


copy and pasted from Gaf user Maragidyne

He raises some great points in a harsh way. Worth watching !

Thank you!  Seriously I cannot figure out how anyone could justify buying an Xbox One right now after all of the BS.  If Sony made the mistakes MS did, I wouldn't even be considering the PS4 yet (And the PS4 already has quite a few games I really like).

phaedruss said:
Fusioncode said:
daredevil.shark said:
Before bashing Xbox One for graphics people should remember PS3's 1080p promise and Motorstorm and Killzone CGI graphics.

Video had nothing to do with graphics. 

It had to do with companies making false claims so it applies.

The very fact people still bring up the 1080p promise and killzone CGI 9 years later should underline enough that people DO remember, however pointing a finger at something another party did a generation ago doesn't vindicate your own actions.

If they fuck up, the deserve to be treated like fucks ups, what sony or nintendo have done in the past really has no bearing on that.

I'm watching it. I disagree with a lot of what he says so far. What game did Kinect screw with because it was connected? Harmonix went all in on a Kinect powered game because everyone had one and suddenly M$ left them high and dry? What about Dance Central 1-3? Is that not a franchise that has had great success on Kinect for 360 already? Did M$ snub video games? If they did, why do they have a comparable library of exclusives to the game focused PS4? It would look like they were game focused all along.

He goes on to say it's probably going to be a worthwhile product and all but at the same time calling it all kinds of names. I can't wrap my head around that part of the video. It frightens and confuses me. I guess it just means he can't be wrong because he praised and attacked it at the same time. Jim's clever like that.

Xenostar said:
Machiavellian said:
Aura7541 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Why would MS need to apologize.  The X1 is a product not some type of institution.  Consumers were never forced to do anything because they have the right to not purchase the device.

So if someone sold you a 4 star holiday and when you got there it was a youth hostel, you would say oh well there not an instituion they didnt force me to buy it.

But Microsoft promised slavery and only delivered indentured servitude. You should be grateful for their grudging munificence not critical of their thwarted intentions.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix