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All the doom, and gloom articles, and rants being made about MS is starting to become petty.
Stories about it being weaker than the PS4. Why does this matter to anyone? Last gen the 360 was the weaker console than the PS3, this stopped no one from playing on it then.
Sony did the right thing this gen, by making (once again) the stronger system, but making it easier to develop for, it has made gamers, and developers happy. BRAVO!
All this noise is a repeat of last gen with Sony, and Microsoft systems switching seats in the beginning. Will Microsoft turn it around? It is hard to say, Will they make the commitment like Sony to develop more exclusive content, to make their system more compelling to not just the core gamer, but also to casuals.
Every Gen there is always a weaker console, these articles that continue to point out the hard numbers between the 2 systems a year later is getting old, and tiresome.
Hopefully I would like to see more articles about developers talking about their game, and new types of gameplay they were able to implement.
As I have said before, I consider myself a casual gamer, it was not until this gen of consoles that I decided to get online, and read about it, as opposed to my former method of reading Game mags.
Most casual gamers care about fun, and unique games to play (Why Nintendo is still around).
I find that games that suck me in because of fantastic controls, gameplay, or story mean so much more than graphics. Yes, don't get me wrong graphics are important. But to constantly read that the X1's graphics are so crap, is ridiculous.
I just hope this gen can move the argument away from graphics first, and more to what matters . Great games with compelling gameplay. Seems like Shovelknight has already proved that graphics are not everything as it has already been brought up for GOTY by several sites.