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I'm watching it. I disagree with a lot of what he says so far. What game did Kinect screw with because it was connected? Harmonix went all in on a Kinect powered game because everyone had one and suddenly M$ left them high and dry? What about Dance Central 1-3? Is that not a franchise that has had great success on Kinect for 360 already? Did M$ snub video games? If they did, why do they have a comparable library of exclusives to the game focused PS4? It would look like they were game focused all along.

He goes on to say it's probably going to be a worthwhile product and all but at the same time calling it all kinds of names. I can't wrap my head around that part of the video. It frightens and confuses me. I guess it just means he can't be wrong because he praised and attacked it at the same time. Jim's clever like that.