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Forums - Sony Discussion - TLOU Dev Fires Back At Those Who Feel $50 Is Too Much For PS4 Version “It’s a Steal”

spemanig said:
DD_Bwest said:

ah i see your ignoring DLC.    Whatever floats your boat to put your mind at ease about being cheap


and thats amazon,  Sonys retail price is 39.99        sony doesnt play price matching with amazon

No I'm not. I already discussed DLC.

Sony's pricing is overpriced. Sony doesn't play price matching with the worth of a product, obviously. If TLOU:R was worth $50, this thread would not exist, because a ND dev wouldn't feel the need to defend the pricing because everyone would be fine with the pricing.

That is your opinion and you do not speak for everyone else. Have you even thought of perhaps, other reasons why people have complained? For instance, I don't see the worth because I seldomly play multiplayer. Perhaps, the people complaining do not know the full package behind TLOU: R... Who knows? But to hastily conclude that this thread exists because TLOU:R was not worth the $50 is silly.

Also, you had your say on this, so what is your motive of continuing to complain about this to other people who do see the remaster's worth? All you had to do is walk away, but clearly something is bothering you that is making you stay. Remember, the value of a product depends on the person.

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spemanig said:
DD_Bwest said:

ah i see your ignoring DLC.    Whatever floats your boat to put your mind at ease about being cheap


and thats amazon,  Sonys retail price is 39.99        sony doesnt play price matching with amazon

No I'm not. I already discussed DLC.

Sony's pricing is overpriced. Sony doesn't play price matching with the worth of a product, obviously. If TLOU:R was worth $50, this thread would not exist, because a ND dev wouldn't feel the need to defend the pricing because everyone would be fine with the pricing.

what was your argument i dont remember ever hearing an argument that makes sense for why you woudlnt include the value of the DLC.  Please provide one.

retail price: 39.99 + 20 buck minimum for dlc

ps4 price: 50 bucks.

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

spemanig said:

1) Just as many companies base their prices on how they can make the most money, regardless of market value. It doesn't matter my personal impact on decision making. If a beer drinker saw 3 leters of franzia red going for $20 and he said "hey, that's over priced," he'd be right. Who cares if he only drinks beer?

2) Exact product parellels exist like that everywhere. Every cross gen game is valued the same. Even if they didn't exist everywhere, hypotheticals are not unrealistic. They are hypotheticals. You use them, just like you said, to dictate how real world pricing should be done. That's isn't unrealistic. That's how prices are made in the first place. 

3) No I'm not.

4) The point of a season pass is to get DLC for cheaper. Of course it would go down.


5) Never said that was how economics works. WW GCN costs more than TLOU for the PS3. 

1) Market forces would make the companies adjust said pricing.  A product being "overpriced" is dictated by the result of its sales.  Unless of course it is a commodity wherein it will be highly price elastic.

2) Except that it is not a cross gen game.  It is a remaster.  Yes, if it WAS made TOGETHER with the PS3 version, then it would be a cross gen game.  But it wasn't.  Different development costs/marketing/etc go into a remaster vs a cross gen (as versions are already being developed for a cross gen all together while a remaster would need you to reassembe a new development team to upgrade the new product and a new marketing team/budget to sell it).  To make a solid case, you need to argue apples to apples.

No, hypotheticals are not how prices are made.  Actual consumer/competitor/cost data is used to determine pricing (unless of course you just want to guess at things).  But that's not the point, in this case, you're using a promotional product that doesn't exist (season pass) and a main product that no longer exists in the price (TLOU main game) that it was when the product DID exist. Not only that, you're using Amazon pricing and not Sony MSRP.

Completely hypothetical pricing cherry picking. 

Answer this:  What is TLOU MSRP as it exists for Sony today and if I wanted to get all the DLC RIGHT NOW how much would it cost me new from Sony?

3) Yes you are. And that's how many people here are taking it.  Calling something a fool's errand implies that it is something only fools do.  Doesn't matter if you directly say it, the implication is there. If you don't mean it that way, perhaps you need to dial down what you say to make it more palatable to the others here?

4) It's a promotional item offered for a limited time offered prior to actual product releases in order to cover some of the development costs.  In the industry I work in, that's called Pre-selling.  And yes, presold products tend to be cheaper.  Once the product is out, prices go up.

5) Actually, you did:

"And, once again, the current market price for TLOU PS3 is $30 new, NOT $60. It doesn't matter if the DLC is included. All of the DLC was valued, by Sony, at $20 one whole year ago. The same way the value of TLOU has gone down by 50%, it's more than safe to assume that the value of the DLC has gone down by 50% as well. 30+10 = 40."

Sounds to me that you think just becuase something was released a year ago, it should naturally go down in price.

He is right.  If you have not played TLOU on PS3 already, then $50 is a good deal.  However, if you already have the game and DLC, then its not really worth your money (in my opinion) for the better framerate and resolution.

Aura7541 said:

That is your opinion and you do not speak for everyone else. Have you even thought of perhaps, other reasons why people have complained? For instance, I don't see the worth because I seldomly play multiplayer. Perhaps, the people complaining do not know the full package behind TLOU: R... Who knows? But to hastily conclude that this thread exists because TLOU:R was not worth the $50 is silly.

Also, you had your say on this, so what is your motive of continuing to complain about this to other people who do see the remaster's worth? All you had to do is walk away, but clearly something is bothering you that is making you stay. Remember, the value of a product depends on the person.

Someone responds to me, and I respond to them. That's the reason anyone "continues to complain." It's called a discussion.

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spemanig said:
darkshadow23 said:

Spemanig, what do you suggest I do? I have not yet played TLOU... so should I buy the PS3 version or the PS4 version? I'm confused right now. I thought I would save money on the PS4 version but you seem to have convinced me not to buy it. I have heard TLOU is a great game with one of the greatest single player experiences of last gen. I've also heard the Left Behind DLC is pretty good as well. The multiplayer mode looks like something I would enjoy too... no respawn is awesome... adds to the survival feel. So if I like the multiplayer then I will definitely be interested in the map packs and future content as well.

Thanks, looking forward to your reply.

Definitely get the PS4 version because it's 60fps. As for when? Wait until it's like $30. By the time it's down to $40 like it should be now, it'll be worth even less, so you may as well get it for even cheaper. You'll honestly very likely be able to to get it for that price on Cyber Monday or Black Friday, so get it then. You've already waited a year. Waiting a few more months won't be too hard.

So I am getting ripped off for paying $50 for it? You didn't say that I was in the above quote... you just said I could get it cheaper if I waited longer. You said nothing about me getting ripped off. And if I am getting ripped off then explain to me how.

spemanig said:
DD_Bwest said:
If you buy a pair of skis, the next year the newer edition of the same type will cost you the exact same as everyone else. Sure buying a whole new pair of skis at full price may be a rip off to you, since you already have them. But they are properly valued for everyone else. Companies are in the business of making money, not giving things away.

if you wait a few years for them to come down and buy them, thats being thrifty.
if you rally against the company in a pathetic attempt to get a deal, you are cheap

There is nothing wrong with being either, its just a good idea to know where YOU stand

Wanting to buy a product for what it's worth is not being cheap. Wanting to buy a product for less than it's worth is being cheap. Someone saying that the Halo: MCE is a rip off, for example, is being cheap.

I can get the Halo bundle at Gamestop for $55. They are charging $60 and the games are all older than 1 year!! They are older than 1 year and they are charging $60!!!

spemanig said:
overman1 said:

lol you are the most adamant interlocutor here...i dont do weak sauce, see that as a compliment. besides, your topic like i said is still the same. all we have to do wait and see how the game will sell. 

Why? The game selling well or not doesn't suddenly make the game not overpriced. I never said the game wouldn't sell or that it would sell. I said it was overpriced. Waiting and seeing doesn't change that fact. (Opinion. Whatever.)

Lol after reading a few of your post i dont think you understand how economics work...

I would also like to poi t out that if ND decided to release this game for $30 to match the PS3 version but did not include the DLC to justify the low price it would cost people MORE than they would be currently paying to get it with all the DLC. Think of it like a bundle

BillyBong said:
Lol.. All the fail analogies people come up with.. Seriously? Books? CDs? Blu-rays? Wtf? That's hardly an apples to apples comparison.

Anyways, everyone seems to forget existing owners. Which is fine. We'll see how the market responds.

But as an early adopter you already knew that there were not going to be a lot of games to play at the start of the gen. Yet you bought in none the less because there had to be SOMETHING that you wanted or douldn't wait on(I know you didn't say anything about it in this post but just figured I would mention that). And sure Ps2 to Os3 was easier thanks to BC but that even got taken out of the PS3 after a short time now NO SYSTEM is BC so again you knew what you were going into now it is just a waiting game until the system has time to build up a substansial library.

As for a fair comparison okay how about this you bought a PS4 at launch now 1yr later they release a slimmer, more realiable  PS4 with a better GPU, chipset or whatever etc for $350 or $300. Does that mean they should give you a discount on getting that PS4 since you already bought one? Because in a way it is the same situation. 

And again NO ONE who currently owns this game is being forced to buy it. But for those who NEVER played the game it is indeed a good deal. It is also a good deal for those who HAVE played the game but NEVER got a chance to play/get any of the DLC. Now if they wanted they could purschase an "enhanced version" of the game with ALL the DLC inclded for about the same if not a little less than the regular version with all DLC. 

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23