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Forums - Sony Discussion - TLOU Dev Fires Back At Those Who Feel $50 Is Too Much For PS4 Version “It’s a Steal”

JinxRake said:
I'm gonna go rage at my local bookstore that they're not giving me the last book I bought as an ebook as well. I mean, it's clearly the same thing, there was almost NO effort put into making it into an ebook, so I DESERVE to have it.
Also, my folks have some films on DVD. Gonna go rage at the retailers because they won't hand me over the BluRay versions of that as well. And whatever will come after that, 4K or whatever. I deserve to get anything that will ever come out because I've bought the original in some form or another.

I dunno, it's only gamers that are so caustic about this sort of stuff. Heck, I'm pretty sure nobody was making a fuss over buying SuperMario on the NES and then not being given the same game for the SNES.
"But it's a rip off for consumers!!!!11111eleven"
Is the game bad now, thus making its value lower? I assume not.
Are you forced to buy it on your brand spanking new console? I assume not.
You did NOT pay to have it on the PS4. You have paid to have it on the PS3. It was a PS3 EXCLUSIVE. Moan and bitch as much as you want, but you only get what you paid for. I mean, if my customers came and asked me to change a system I've installed for them to work at wholly different parameters, they would have to pay full price. Even if it was to come and do 5 minutes of work, they would have to file it as a new project and pay the premium price that we charge for any work done outside of the original contract.
Far as I'm concerned, it's the same thing now. If the box I bought the game on doesn't specify it'll be available to me on any other system, for no extra price - cross buy a la PS Vita - than I accept the fact that it'll cost what it'll cost so I may play it on something different. If anyone doesn't like that, they can just not buy the damn thing.
Always vote with your wallet.


for some reason a bunch of very vocal people on gaming forums don't appreciate the work game developers do and think they are entitled to get everything for super cheap

I imagine the same people go to fast food chains and say "I had this burger before, I deserve to get it for 50% less now"

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generic-user-1 said:
Serious_frusting said:

Why is gta5 and tomb raider off the hook? If people wanted to moan about value then tomb raider is the worst. The xbone and ps4 version is just a more stable pc version on high settings.


GTA5 on last gen was a money grab. they released it earlyer with a lot of bugs to grab some of the lastgen money.

and they havnt released the PC version the same time because that would have hurted the sales of the much inferior lastgen version.

Have you even played gta v? Aside from multiplayer I didn't had any problems. Gta v in ps3 works fine.

Ka-pi96 said:
For people that haven't already bought it yeah it's a great deal. Those that have already bought it however...

For those that already have it, they dont need to buy it again... no one is forcing them to upgrade...

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Lafiel said:
Justagamer said:

Hot off the press, that is just retarded. It's as though you didn't read my post. Brush up on your reading comprehension skills, it'll help. Alot. 

you know, there simply is no way to read the Devs tweets as "basically tell(ing) people they're idiots for not wanting to pay $50 for a remake", which is why I disregarded anything related to that entirely (so much for reading comprehension)

what remained is that you think polishing/optimization of a feature complete game is not "real work", implying you are fine with (usually nearly unplayable) betas and that you don't want the devs/publisher to receive money from your buy, because you perceived somebody who doesn't even work on TLoUR as "a dick"

Again, brush up on that reading comprehension,  it's important. Now, to what you were saying.... I never said anything of betas, and your bringing that into the argument is stupid. So, what you're saying is that the original release of the last of us is an unpolished, unplayable beta? Ok... again, that's just retarded. that's all the time I will waste in you. I've wasted too much as it is.... 

Ka-pi96 said:
Madword said:
Ka-pi96 said:
For people that haven't already bought it yeah it's a great deal. Those that have already bought it however...

For those that already have it, they dont need to buy it again... no one is forcing them to upgrade...

Yeah no one is forcing us to upgrade but we do exist and we still want it. Nothing stopping them from giving their loyal customers a deal now is there?

Well, for all it's worth, buying one game does not make someone a loyal customer.

The best thing they could do, and they still might, is give PS+ subscribers a 15-20% discount when buying from PSN store. This would then be truly rewarding "loyal customers".

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Raziel123 said:


how much is the PS1 port going to cost? :D

Heh, I  would actually buy a PSX port of TLOU!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Burek said:

Well, for all it's worth, buying one game does not make someone a loyal customer.

The best thing they could do, and they still might, is give PS+ subscribers a 15-20% discount when buying from PSN store. This would then be truly rewarding "loyal customers".

And then people who purchased it previously and want it this time on disc would moan.... there is no easy way to give a discount between versions, without something like a trade-in scheme, but some people might not want to trade it in.

So basically people say, give their loyal customers a discount, that aint so easy. People just throw these ideas into the air with no idea of how it would actually work in reality.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Madword said:
Burek said:

Well, for all it's worth, buying one game does not make someone a loyal customer.

The best thing they could do, and they still might, is give PS+ subscribers a 15-20% discount when buying from PSN store. This would then be truly rewarding "loyal customers".

And then people who purchased it previously and want it this time on disc would moan.... there is no easy way to give a discount between versions, without something like a trade-in scheme, but some people might not want to trade it in.

So basically people say, give their loyal customers a discount, that aint so easy. People just throw these ideas into the air with no idea of how it would actually work in reality.

My idea is not about people who purchased PS3 version. It is a discount for all PS+ subscribers, because I would consider them loyal customers.

If someone wants a physical disc, they are free to shop for discounts at various retailers or wait for price drops, or buy 2nd hand.

You can never please everybody, there are always complainers and whiners. However, it seems that you end up better when not pleasing anybody, people love to nitpick the slightest details.

Ka-pi96 said:

Pretty easy actually. Lower price to upgrade but have to use your PS3 disc, or have purchased digitally on PS3 to play/buy the upgrade. It's been done before...

Has any game this gen done that? Or are you talking about PS1/Ps2 or P1-2 to PS3...

I've already said about digital purchase, if the Disc upgrade solution you suggest cannot work or is too much effort, why would you do it for digital only which would piss off anyone who wants the disc version.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Burek said:

My idea is not about people who purchased PS3 version. It is a discount for all PS+ subscribers, because I would consider them loyal customers.

If someone wants a physical disc, they are free to shop for discounts at various retailers or wait for price drops, or buy 2nd hand.

You can never please everybody, there are always complainers and whiners. However, it seems that you end up better when not pleasing anybody, people love to nitpick the slightest details.

Which is why most sensible people are saying there is no problem in them charging £26-38 for this version for *everyone*... it's only the complainers and whiners on the internet making a big deal about it. So thanks for confirming what I was saying :D

So rather than go through the hassle of different time consuming/complicated (programming wise) systems, just make it cheaper for everyone and everyone benefits, which is exactly what they have done. There is no argument or discussion here at all really. The game is cheap enough for people who already previously owned it.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!