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Forums - Sales Discussion - June 2014 NPD Thread! PS4: 269k, XBO: 197k, Wii U: 140k


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VGC much more accurate with XOne numbers. Still overtracking it, but not by much, some 10-12%.



NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Tagging for later.

Tagged. The meltdowns will be priceless.

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starcraft said:
Begins polishing ban-hammer in preparation.

So much cruelty. Cant we live in peace ane harmony? The world could be a better place with peace.

ta ta ta taaaaaaaaag

daredevil.shark said:
starcraft said:
Begins polishing ban-hammer in preparation.

So much cruelty. Cant we live in peace ane harmony? The world could be a better place with peace.

Imagine how the world will be without the hammer...

I think everything is overtracked. Vidyagaemz are d00medz.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.