kupomogli said:
Euphoria14 said:
Tomb Raider and GTA V already got a free pass. Yeah, TR & GTA V got graphical & fps bump in it's defense...
... but so does TLOUR. 
We haven't seen anything from The Last of Us to show whether it's got anything but a resolution boost and fps bump. GTA on the other hand has resolution boost, framerate atleast to 30fps, better textures, more species, more people on the streets, and more traffic. Tomb Raider never got a free pass.
It's not the fact that The Last of Us is a GotY edition. If it was on the PS3 with all the extra content I as well as most people bitching about it would have no issue. Like Tomb Raider before it and the many other ports the PS4 has gotten from titles that are only a year or two old, the PS4 and Xbox One are nothing but ports. Microsoft though is atleast doing something for their fanbase by getting exclusive titles on the console. You can use the argument that a lot of people who owned a PS3 haven't played The Last of Us or a lot of people who have a PS4 came from the 360, but what about all the people who do still have their PS3 or did play The Last of Us. What about those people who want to see new games and not port after port of older games on their console. Even if the games are cross gen it's better than a year old port.
The point is and something Sony had to even publicly defend themselves against which just proves how loud the gaming community has been complaining about this, is the PS4 has got shit worth of games. A lot of people want to see retail exclusives and the PS4 only has four exclusives from launch until 2015 that you can only play on the PS4. That's the biggest problem. If The Last of Us was ported later in the console life when the PS4 actually has a large number exclusives, most people wouldn't care. It'd only be people hating on the system at that time and using that as fuel. Just because I'm bashing the PS4 doesn't mean I'm some fanboy who doesn't want to see the console succeed. Unlike most Sony fanboys who are being so apologetic towards the system, I want to see the system succeed and am tired of Sony's bullshit and lack of management. The anger doesn't come from just the PS4 though. It comes from the PS4s pathetic line up and the fact that I'm also a day one Vita owner, a fanbase which Sony constantly shits all over. Sony's attitude is very complacent and it's a shame all the other Sony fanboys don't see this. The whole we don't need to do anything for our fans in order to get the sales we deserve attitude is bullshit. Are they making exclusives? Yes. Will there be exclusives next year? Yes. Will the PS4 more than likely have more exclusives in the eight gen than any other console? Yes. But Sony isn't trying as hard as either of their competitiors and their fans that are looking into playing more games that they have yet to play are suffering for it. Microsoft has more than Sony by a small margin, but Nintendo during their first full year on the market had over 10 retail games exclusive to the Wii U whether they were paid for or Nintendo developed. I like Sony more than Nintendo, but Nintendo deserves all the sales Sony is getting because they're actually trying to give the fans what they want.
So what you are saying is that you aren't sure of what TLOUR added?
Enhanced native resolution from 720p to 1080p, enhanced fps from 30 to 60. Enhanced shadows, enhanced lighting engine, enhanced textures, enhanced character models, added dualshock 4 functionality and all TLOU DLC.
All for less than the price of your usual GoTY edition, GTAV remaster and less than Tomb Raider Definitive Edition.
And a PS3 edition with all the added content? You mean the DLC right, because a PS3 version would getting any of the other things I mentioned.
Also, what about the people who already own it on PS3? I own it. You don't see me whining. I already got to play it, plus if I chose to, I already got the season pass for $20 and have all the DLC.
This in no way effects people who already own the title. It is for PS4 owners who did not buy it on PS3 and/or never had a PS3 in which to purchase it on.
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