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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Most Overhyped Game of the Year so Far

Ive only really played Tropical Freeze and Mario Kart 8 this year and I dont think either of them are overhyped. Ill have to go for two games that doesnt deserve the hype theyre getting and thats The Last Of Us Remastered and GTAV(PS4/XB1)

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phaedruss said:
starcraft said:
Raze said:
phaedruss said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Titanfall followed by MK8. Reserve my judgement on destiny till launch.

Yea I think there's a trio, Titanfall/MK8/Watch Dogs.

I think MK8 lived up to/exceeded everyone's expectations. Overhyped requires the game to be below everyone's expectations.

People that are saying Titanfall must be seeing something different to me.

Based on the information we have, Titanfall got an 86 on Metacritic with no campaign, is the highest-selling title on the Xbox One, and still has a healthy online community 4 months after launch.

It also boosted the Xbox One's sales at the time.

Were there some idiots saying it will be the game of the generation or single-handedly lead to the Xbox One taking a permanent lead over the PS4? Sure.  But only a tiny minority, and that does not equal overhype.

As some have said, the most obvious answer is Watch Dogs. Mario Kart 8 seems to have done quite well in terms of sales and quality.  Those games that are most overhyped might not actually be known yet, such as Drive Club, Destiny, Sunset Overdrive and the Order...all of which are prime candidates.

Watch Dogs has sold more than 4 million already. I think it's just as high of quality as Mario Kart 8 or Titanfall, more so in some respects yet still overhyped.

but the game is bad, it looks horrible if u look closer, the story is meh and the openworld is just lame...  oh andthe hacking is stupid too.

Raze said:
phaedruss said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Titanfall followed by MK8. Reserve my judgement on destiny till launch.

Yea I think there's a trio, Titanfall/MK8/Watch Dogs.

I think MK8 lived up to/exceeded everyone's expectations. Overhyped requires the game to be below everyone's expectations.

It failed big time on most everyone's expectations of it being a system seller. Most everyone thought Wii u would be at 7m by now because of it. Most everyone expected it to raise baseline too... It's dropping still and almost back to where it started

kupomogli said:

Goes with the title, not the op.  Zelda U.  One small video with no gameplay and the announcement that it's open world.  Absolutely nothing to hype the game over, yet Nintendo fans being Nintendo fans.  No game is hyped the way Nintendo fans hype Nintendo games and Zelda U really has nothing to be hyped about.  As overrated as I feel some of the games released have been, a game that's overhyped when there's nothing to be hyped about is extreme.

I don't think that's fair. Yes, we saw only a teaser trailer, but I believe it's perfectly rational to be excited about a series with such an impressive history of great games. Look at Bloodborne for example. I doubt many people were impressed with the teaser. It was the words "From Software" that got people going. Because those fans trust the developer to deliver.

Or, going in another direction, what if a distributor released a teaser trailer for a movie by Scorsese or Malick or Paul Thomas Anderson. Even if the trailer showed very little, fans would still be thrilled because of the directors' pedigree.

@OP: I'm afraid I haven't played many games in 2014, so I can't speak with any authority. I do know that it's definitely not Mario Kart 8. That title met and exceeded my expectations. It's one of the best games I've played in years.

Titanfall is a solid 8/10 for me but it was overhyped. Also I get the feeling Infamous was overly hyped, aswell as Watchdogs. I haven´t played either of those games so I can´t say for sure.

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Titanfall is actually good for what it's developed to do to be honest, but yeah it was hyped. I would of said Infamous Second Son. I still wish I didn't get a PS4 for it. I like my Ps4, but wasn't worth it for Infamous. It was new for 1 hour and then you was doing the same side missions throughout until the end. Spray painting, finding these audio tapes and other stuff. It was literally that throughout and sometimes had a different power, but they wern't that difference.

Titanfall or watch dogs

I guess the short answer is Titanfall.

The reason has more to do with the fact that it didn't sell to the forum dwellers expectations.

It is near the end of the end....

Has to be Titanfall surely. No other game received the same hype AFAIK, so far, and while it sold pretty well it hasn't become the next big thing that some thought it would, and it reviewed well but not spectacularly.

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Jimi Hendrix


Definitely titanfall, played it on my PC. Its a good game, but just feels... incomplete.

I don't get those that say Infamous. Unless of course they don't know what it means for a game to be overhyped. If anyone has played infamous 1 and 2... then they would know that second son is the best infamous game of the lot. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if the poeple saying infamous have never actually played it.