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phaedruss said:
starcraft said:
Raze said:
phaedruss said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Titanfall followed by MK8. Reserve my judgement on destiny till launch.

Yea I think there's a trio, Titanfall/MK8/Watch Dogs.

I think MK8 lived up to/exceeded everyone's expectations. Overhyped requires the game to be below everyone's expectations.

People that are saying Titanfall must be seeing something different to me.

Based on the information we have, Titanfall got an 86 on Metacritic with no campaign, is the highest-selling title on the Xbox One, and still has a healthy online community 4 months after launch.

It also boosted the Xbox One's sales at the time.

Were there some idiots saying it will be the game of the generation or single-handedly lead to the Xbox One taking a permanent lead over the PS4? Sure.  But only a tiny minority, and that does not equal overhype.

As some have said, the most obvious answer is Watch Dogs. Mario Kart 8 seems to have done quite well in terms of sales and quality.  Those games that are most overhyped might not actually be known yet, such as Drive Club, Destiny, Sunset Overdrive and the Order...all of which are prime candidates.

Watch Dogs has sold more than 4 million already. I think it's just as high of quality as Mario Kart 8 or Titanfall, more so in some respects yet still overhyped.

but the game is bad, it looks horrible if u look closer, the story is meh and the openworld is just lame...  oh andthe hacking is stupid too.