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Forums - Sony Discussion - "I don't get the point of TLOU Remastered"

Euphoria14 said:

They must also not understand the point of Wind Waker HD, GTA V on PS4/XBone or GoTY Editions.

Actually I don't see anyone really complaining about those, but PS4 is winning right now, so TLoU warrants complaining, since it costs $50, just like WWHD and actually less than your typical GoTY Edition.

Just ignore those people.

I seem to agree with (and like) all your comments. Huzzah

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KLXVER said:
michael_stutzer said:
If something is shameful, it is remastering ten years old games (I am not saying it is shameful, make the distinction). Reviving 10 years old games is stupid, because they are old and cannot hold a modern take on the same franchise no matter how awesome they were at the time. On the other hand, making your new game available at as many platforms as possible is common sense, there is nothing wrong about it.

So youre saying that older games cant be better than newer games in  the same genre...?

No, I'm not talking about the genre, but rather about a franchise. Let's consider Windwaker for example. Instead of reviving Windwaker, they can make a new game in the same franchise using the much better tools today. It would be better for everyone. So, if you compare the situations, remastering a really old game is much lazier.

Richard_Feynman said:
Euphoria14 said:

They must also not understand the point of Wind Waker HD, GTA V on PS4/XBone or GoTY Editions.

Actually I don't see anyone really complaining about those, but PS4 is winning right now, so TLoU warrants complaining, since it costs $50, just like WWHD and actually less than your typical GoTY Edition.

Just ignore those people.

I seem to agree with (and like) all your comments. Huzzah

I can say the same about you.


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michael_stutzer said:

No, I'm not talking about the genre, but rather about a franchise. Let's consider Windwaker for example. Instead of reviving Windwaker, they can make a new game in the same franchise using the much better tools today. It would be better for everyone. So, if you compare the siutations, remastering a really old game is much lazier.

Remastering a SD game into HD seems to be harder than upgrading a game already in HD...

phaedruss said:
I see the point of it in that way, I just don't get people who have played it, and those who have played it several times already, getting excited about a year old port.

I'm still excited about a specific PSX game I played in '99 and also a GC one from '02. In fact, I'm so excited by these games that I wish there would be a superficial reason to replay them just so I can discuss them again with people who decide to take the plunge.

There's one reason for you.

Now how about amazing graphics and all the DLC one may have missed on TLOU? Trying multiplayer again? Supporting your favourite game of all time for your new console? 

I can think of many more.

Whether you think these points are valid is one thing, but you cannot deny that many people can easily be swayed into purchasing something as great as TLOU a second time by the reasons mentioned above.

I think your statement is unnecessarily dramatic in order to call this remaster into question. Either that or you've just been moved to an opinion without considering it much.

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IkePoR said:
Blood_Tears said:
Considering 31% of PS4 owners have come from Wii/X360 this is a great opportunity for those gamers to play this game.

Wow I wish I could know who bought what system last gen and that they bought PS4 this gen.  How do you do it?!

It's called magic!

KLXVER said:
michael_stutzer said:

No, I'm not talking about the genre, but rather about a franchise. Let's consider Windwaker for example. Instead of reviving Windwaker, they can make a new game in the same franchise using the much better tools today. It would be better for everyone. So, if you compare the siutations, remastering a really old game is much lazier.

Remastering a SD game into HD seems to be harder than upgrading a game already in HD...

I am not talking about the technical aspect of it. I'm saying that making your new game available on your current consoles (PS3 and PS4 in this case) is common sense since there are many people who own one but not the other. Since the game recently came out and PS3 is still expensive, there may even be people who were waiting for the prices to come down to purchase them. Porting it makes sense and it should be standard if anything to make sure nobody is left out. On the other hand, reviving a game that was played by every fan ten years ago is out of greed. 

By the way, I am not even saying that remastering really old games is shameful. But there were many people in the thread saying "at least Nintendo rereleases 10 year old games." etc. If you compare the situations that is not a better situation, it is worse.

KLXVER said:
michael_stutzer said:

No, I'm not talking about the genre, but rather about a franchise. Let's consider Windwaker for example. Instead of reviving Windwaker, they can make a new game in the same franchise using the much better tools today. It would be better for everyone. So, if you compare the siutations, remastering a really old game is much lazier.

Remastering a SD game into HD seems to be harder than upgrading a game already in HD...

Not if it's as stylized as Wind Waker, again Wind Waker HD was done in 6 months by 4 people and some outside help I think. ND actually put more work into TLOU Remastered.

KLXVER said:

They cant make a PS3 game as a PS4 download...?

My opinion is that this comment of yours suggests that your opinion on the matter isn't very well thought out or worthwhile. Opinions form over time of course, and this is just an internet forum, so I am in no way suggesting that your post isn't worthwhile (depending on the context).

Conina said:
KLXVER said:

Well what about the people who want to play Heavy Rain on their PS4...?

A PS4 morpheus edition in ego-perspective would be great! ;)

Holy shit that's a brilliant idea.

(and this coming from someone who isn't into HR type games)