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phaedruss said:
I see the point of it in that way, I just don't get people who have played it, and those who have played it several times already, getting excited about a year old port.

I'm still excited about a specific PSX game I played in '99 and also a GC one from '02. In fact, I'm so excited by these games that I wish there would be a superficial reason to replay them just so I can discuss them again with people who decide to take the plunge.

There's one reason for you.

Now how about amazing graphics and all the DLC one may have missed on TLOU? Trying multiplayer again? Supporting your favourite game of all time for your new console? 

I can think of many more.

Whether you think these points are valid is one thing, but you cannot deny that many people can easily be swayed into purchasing something as great as TLOU a second time by the reasons mentioned above.

I think your statement is unnecessarily dramatic in order to call this remaster into question. Either that or you've just been moved to an opinion without considering it much.