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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Got fired from MS China (downsizing) :(

Good thing is you already have a new job! Best of luck!

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damn, i know peeps who have been looking for years in some cases trying to get a steady job here in the states. glad you didnt have to wait long, you are very lucky. hopefully you like you new job and boss and good luck!


Not aimed at OP in particular, but there is a massive difference between fired and laid off/made redundant. I have seen a lot of posts on various forums about staff being 'fired' when in fact the company is downsizing/restructuring. /rant

Glad you have a new job though, good luck.

Then you should work better in the future than you mabe get not fired and can stay ;) I really don't understand why people like you make a big deal of that, everyday people gets fired and do you know what they do? They work harder to avoid that and does not act like it is everyone else fault!!! Just because you got fired from a videogame company does not mean that it is not your fault!!! Work harder and don't blame someone else!!!

And TheDarkTriforce had to ruin the string of nice, supportive comments with that....less than ideal one. Anyways, this post started out sad then became happy once I realised you got a new job so fast.

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Wait, Chinese branches can get downsized too? Usually companies here downsize to outsource work to China or India. Now I have heard it all.

Back to the point, bad luck with M$, but hopefully your new job is better in every way.
Good luck.

Australian Gamer (add me if you like)               
NNID: Maraccuda              
PS Network: Maraccuda           


It sucks losing a job but at least you already have one. :)
Best wishes to your new job!

Maraccuda said:
Wait, Chinese branches can get downsized too? Usually companies here downsize to outsource work to China or India. Now I have heard it all.

Back to the point, bad luck with M$, but hopefully your new job is better in every way.
Good luck.

India and others SE Asia countries are geting much more cheaper than China.

I wouldn´t be surprised if MS keeps only localisation teams for chinease market. The goverment is also a little western-phobic with info technology in the followers of Wikileaks, well, leaks. 

TheDarkTriforce said:

Then you should work better in the future than you mabe get not fired and can stay ;) I really don't understand why people like you make a big deal of that, everyday people gets fired and do you know what they do? They work harder to avoid that and does not act like it is everyone else fault!!! Just because you got fired from a videogame company does not mean that it is not your fault!!! Work harder and don't blame someone else!!!

Where does he say anything eluding to the fact he is blaming others or was not "working better"?

Best of luck on your new job, it's good you were able to find one soon!