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Forums - Sales Discussion - USA SW / WW Hardware - week ending 14th June

JOKA_ said:

Low numbers all around. I'm especially surprised by the X1 though. I thought for sure that was going to be #1 its pricedrop week. Yikes.

We sold a few at Target, but I personally have yet anyone ask me for one.  Doesn't seem like too many people know.

Around the Network

Not a good week for anything.

ChudStudly said:
All this doom and gloom is ridiculous in both sides. It's summertime. Console sales ALWAYS drop off at this time. Do the research and see for yourselves. Both PS4 and X1 have more than doubled sales of the previous consoles during the first 8 months. I remember the PS3 selling 20k a week at one point it's first year. And if no one thinks consoles won't fly off shelves thus fall, they're nuts. Honestly, the cries of "DOOOOOM!!!" are silly. Just look at first year PS3 sales. They were far, far worse than anything the PS4 or X1 has put forth or will put forth this year.

Consoles will be fine. Calm down.

You remember wrong, I'm afraid.

The lowest the PS3 ever sold in a given week was 50k, and that was before releasing in Europe. Post EU release it went as low as 58k, just before a price cut. For the record, those were considered absolutely dreadful number back then. We've just gotten used to the new baselines.

The PS4 is doing OK considering its age. The X1 and Wii U, not so much.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Shadow1980 said:
jonathanalis said:
ouch. ps4 below 100k!

i remember ps3 last year never went below 100k in a week.

(graphs and stuff)

Always enjoy reading your in-depth analyses, thanks for that.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

So the dreaded day has come. PS4 below 100k, 3DS above PS4, Wii U above X1(despite price cut), MK8 above Watch Dogs and cats marrying dogs.

This is the apocalypse guys.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network

I hope these are real because they are hilarious.

We all know all 5 8th Gen consoles (i included handhelds) will do fine in the end, but right now this is funny.

3DS still beasting! Rightfully in 1st place once again.

Estelle and Adol... best characters ever! XD

Intrinsic said:
3sexty said:

Laughing at the doom posts. Please take a look at years gone by for the x360 and ps3 at this time of year. The holiday season is the time for the big boosts. Especially for Xbox in the USA. This holiday season won't be any different especially with the new pricing. 

Naaaahh... the doom and gloom stuff is cool. Its easier to say the entire industry is dying instead of admitting that that other company is doing better than the one you are rooting for :). Even if there are literally years worth of evidnece to show that sales are always lower thi stime of the year.

Thats a very sound comment actually.

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Gamertag:  GamertagOz70

I'm surprised how much people discuss about these numbers when they have been proved many times completely inaccurate before the monthly adjustments.

bluemd said:
I'm surprised how much people discuss about these numbers when they have been proved many times completely inaccurate before the monthly adjustments.

What other numbers are we going to talk about?