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ChudStudly said:
All this doom and gloom is ridiculous in both sides. It's summertime. Console sales ALWAYS drop off at this time. Do the research and see for yourselves. Both PS4 and X1 have more than doubled sales of the previous consoles during the first 8 months. I remember the PS3 selling 20k a week at one point it's first year. And if no one thinks consoles won't fly off shelves thus fall, they're nuts. Honestly, the cries of "DOOOOOM!!!" are silly. Just look at first year PS3 sales. They were far, far worse than anything the PS4 or X1 has put forth or will put forth this year.

Consoles will be fine. Calm down.

You remember wrong, I'm afraid.

The lowest the PS3 ever sold in a given week was 50k, and that was before releasing in Europe. Post EU release it went as low as 58k, just before a price cut. For the record, those were considered absolutely dreadful number back then. We've just gotten used to the new baselines.

The PS4 is doing OK considering its age. The X1 and Wii U, not so much.

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