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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - is Splatoon receiving more attention because its an exclusive Nintnedo shooter?

Why the hate? This game looks fun, it's as simple as that. Not to mention it uses gameplay ideas not used before.

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Podings said:
Of course the game receives more attention when Nintendo shows up with fucking sixteen booths for playing it, highlights it in its primary event video, and has the Treehouse playing it several times.

Maybe Nintendo fans are also a little more likely to accept it as something interesting because it's on Nintendo, but that's hardly surprising either.

The real question is whether its a bad thing at all that Splatoon gets attention.

i would say its certainly a good thing. it looks like a good game, hopefully it proves to be and proves to have enough depth and diversity in it. and if its a success it can teach nintendo that shooters and New IP's  that arent directed at casuals can be succesful. if the intrest tuns into sales why would it be a bad thing? 

Mystro-Sama said:
Why the hate? This game looks fun, it's as simple as that. Not to mention it uses gameplay ideas not used before.

just because i am pointing out an observation i had about a game does not mean i am hating on it. 

i think because since nintendo is entering the genre for the first time in a unique fun way its getting people hype


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Raichu's First Series:

First RPG?

First Fighter?

First Racer?

First Shooter?

First MMO?

First Horror?

Official Ni No Kuni Fanboy:

Familiars Captured:37

Game Beaten: 2 times almost

Times I got teary during some scenes: 3

This game has the potential to be the Mario Kart of multiplayer shooters. That's why its getting all the attention.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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Well for one, Nintendo games are known for their quality; thus their games tend to get more attention than a random publisher, especially when it's a new IP within the most popular western genre.

Also, the game may not have the best presentation, but it has what matters to Nintendo gamers, fresh gameplay mechanics that seems like a lot of fun.

famousringo said:
This game has the potential to be the Mario Kart of multiplayer shooters. That's why its getting all the attention.

could you explain that? didnt really get what you are trying to say. 

honestly i think it will be overshadowed if it is let say PS4.... nintendo is building a hype for this game... and if it is a new IP without a "realistic" graphics on PS4, it would be a harder sell....


DanneSandin said:

This. Splatoon and Evolve are the only shooters that interests me in the near future (and I'm counting Uncharted as a shooter btw)

Don't worry then because Uncharted certainly isn't in the near future! (;

Right now I'd say it does look like a good indie game or an eshop release, but an indie game or eshop release that I'm pretty excited for! A game is a game and in the last few years we've had some digital titles more intersting and fun than most things released physically.

I think Splatoon gets attention because it is unique, and also from Nintendo. It gels well thematically with Nintendo while presenting something new and being interesting to play, which is probably way better than we thought any shooter from Nintendo could go. It's a new way to think about a shooter, to me, and I'm glad to see that get attention alongside many games mostly getting attention for their cinematic qualities, story, or pedigree.

It probably gets a lot of attention because Nintendo is not known for making too many new IPs!

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