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DanneSandin said:

This. Splatoon and Evolve are the only shooters that interests me in the near future (and I'm counting Uncharted as a shooter btw)

Don't worry then because Uncharted certainly isn't in the near future! (;

Right now I'd say it does look like a good indie game or an eshop release, but an indie game or eshop release that I'm pretty excited for! A game is a game and in the last few years we've had some digital titles more intersting and fun than most things released physically.

I think Splatoon gets attention because it is unique, and also from Nintendo. It gels well thematically with Nintendo while presenting something new and being interesting to play, which is probably way better than we thought any shooter from Nintendo could go. It's a new way to think about a shooter, to me, and I'm glad to see that get attention alongside many games mostly getting attention for their cinematic qualities, story, or pedigree.