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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog Working Hard to Push The Last of Us on PS4 Past 60 FPS

I guess you do have to be able to do well over 60fps during the slow moments to maintain a steady framerate when things get hectic.

This game is going to be a sight to behold.

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LudicrousSpeed said:
I wouldn't think it would take much effort to get a PS3 port to 60 fps. Not trying to troll or anything, just an honest opinion. Didn't TR do it already on PS4?

Was TR on PS4 a port of the PS3 version? I doubt it as there was a PC version to work with that I'd assume would be a better choice.

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:
I wouldn't think it would take much effort to get a PS3 port to 60 fps. Not trying to troll or anything, just an honest opinion. Didn't TR do it already on PS4?

Was TR on PS4 a port of the PS3 version? I doubt it as there was a PC version to work with that I'd assume would be a better choice.

Even better. If they could get the great looking PC port to that frame rate, shouldn't be an issue for ND to get a PS3 game there. I mean, maybe I am just mistaken. This isn't a complete remake, no?

I've seen a couple people in here comparing 60fps gaming to 24fps movies, you can't really compare the 2. One you're only looking at, the other you're looking at as well as controlling. 24fps is acceptable to watch b/c of the motion blur (which tends to be poorly implemented in games), plus the fact that you aren't moving a controller/mouse (whichever your preference happens to be). Now, if you tried to play a 24fps game, it's going to feel rather laggy because 1. motion blur in games typically sucks 2. you're actually playing it rather than just watching the game. The benefit with 60fps is not only does it match your monitor/tv's native refresh rate, but it also makes the controller/mouse movement much more smooth. Most of you have probably not played 60fps games, seeing as most games on consoles are locked down to 30, so you can't really judge what it feels like/looks like.

LudicrousSpeed said:
Dgc1808 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:
I wouldn't think it would take much effort to get a PS3 port to 60 fps. Not trying to troll or anything, just an honest opinion. Didn't TR do it already on PS4?

Was TR on PS4 a port of the PS3 version? I doubt it as there was a PC version to work with that I'd assume would be a better choice.

Even better. If they could get the great looking PC port to that frame rate, shouldn't be an issue for ND to get a PS3 game there. I mean, maybe I am just mistaken. This isn't a complete remake, no?

It's not a complete remake. I would think that the PC version is easier to work with because we're constantly told that the PS4 is much closer to standard PC x86 architecture. PS3 is a very different development environment, and Last of Us would be tailer-made for that that. How do I put it... it's not so much about the power difference but a drastic format difference.

It seems that TR PS4 wasn't a locked 60:

For the most part, on the PS4 we see frame-rates regularly fluctuating between 40-50fps depending on the complexity of the scene, with exploration in highly detailed areas with lots of effects responsible for the drop in performance. On the flipside, the game manages to hit 60fps pretty solidly in locations that have fewer effects at work, and in the more scripted action sequences where the rendering load is more predictable.

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When yous start to notice it doesn't have that much better visuals then the PS3 version, remember you asked for it. All that PS4 power WASTED on fucking framerate instead of visuals for a slow paced 3rd person shooter, gg

all this 60fps hype has ruined everything, especially with UC4 targeting 60

yes 60fps is better then 30 in every single way possible and there obviously is a difference but id still prefer better graphics @ 30 then 60fps

Why in the world would you prefer better graphics over a smoother experience? Sure, for a game like this that's slow paced I guess 60fps isn't necessary, but it's nice to have the higher framerate for smoother controls. I'm the exact opposite, I wish more xb1/ps4 games would be targeting 720/60 instead of trying to hit 1080/30. I've been a pc gamer for years now, and 30fps games really irk me, they just aren't as smooth as I'm used to.

^I do understand tho, 60fps does look really nice but i guess we will have to agree to disagree (I'm also one of the few who actually liked the hobbit in 48fps, witch is also ironic because was it just me or was part 2 lacking in the CGI department in some scenes?)

Chevinator123 said:

^I do understand tho, 60fps does look really nice but i guess we will have to agree to disagree (I'm also one of the few who actually liked the hobbit in 48fps, witch is also ironic because was it just me or was part 2 lacking in the CGI department in some scenes?)

You see I thought the 48FPS thing looked a little odd at first, but once I got used to it - it was clear it was better.  Some of the quick moves pulled off would not have looked nearly as cool bogged down to 48 FPS.  


P.S.  And to the other guy:  Yes your complaining did get through and many filmakers are thinking of not making their movies at the previously planned higher framerates because it feels "Weird."  Weird how?  Because now things aren't terribly blurry when the camera pans?

Captain_Tom said:

First of all, 60 FPS is not required, but it always makes a game better.  Period.  Now as for KZ:SF, I have it and the Framerate is far from a mess.  I will take unlocked any day of the week over 30 FPS because when it is 50-60 FPS in close quarters areas, I have the advantage over people who use 60 fps.

Also not every MGS is 60 FPS.  MGS2 is a rock solid 60 fps though.  Play the HD collection of MGS2 and 3... You will see!

P.S.  Or you could just build a budget PC too ;)

Not sure if I agree. A locked 30 fps is perfectly fine for every single genre that isn't shooters or racers. If anything, it allows devs to focus the power they save by lowering the framerate to something else that the user might actually notice.

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