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I've seen a couple people in here comparing 60fps gaming to 24fps movies, you can't really compare the 2. One you're only looking at, the other you're looking at as well as controlling. 24fps is acceptable to watch b/c of the motion blur (which tends to be poorly implemented in games), plus the fact that you aren't moving a controller/mouse (whichever your preference happens to be). Now, if you tried to play a 24fps game, it's going to feel rather laggy because 1. motion blur in games typically sucks 2. you're actually playing it rather than just watching the game. The benefit with 60fps is not only does it match your monitor/tv's native refresh rate, but it also makes the controller/mouse movement much more smooth. Most of you have probably not played 60fps games, seeing as most games on consoles are locked down to 30, so you can't really judge what it feels like/looks like.