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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Up! 31st May 2014

i don't expect the kinectless xb1 to have an impact at all, except maybe some countries? there have been better value bundles (like console+tf+kinect) at the same price, why would people who skipped on that jump on a bundle that has nothing, at the same price?
might boost some in the US cause i think this bundle was only around at this price in europe (so expect EU numbers to stay terribad).

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And when we thought WiiU was doomed... XBO is in worse shape right now.

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...

No one's buying XBOX ONE because they're waiting for a price drop. I was at Walmart 2 days ago and while I was being checked out a customer called the games department and asked if Walmart had XBOX ONE for $399. The cashier said he'd check but I told him I don't think the price has gone down yet. He checked and it's indeed still $499 with Kinect. When he told the customer that he hung up the phone and said that the customer remarked that he'd wait until it's $399. Although by that time there might be a PS4 in every household lol.

fluky-nintendy said:
And when we thought WiiU was doomed... XBO is in worse shape right now.

OMG it's just one week. Next one WiiU and PS4 will go downhill, till they hit their usual numbers. Well, maybe WiiU will be a little better, like +10-15k a week.

ryuzaki57 said:
Hedra42 said:

And anyway, it's comparing apples and oranges - Watch Dogs is cross platform, MK8 is exclusive.

MKWii was exclusive but it still outsold most of the PS360PC biggest games. If the game is that good, people will buy the system for the game. They bought Watchdogs instead.

And if you really want to compare SKU vs SKU, just look at the OP : Watchdogs PS4 sold twice more than MK8.

MKWii's success was a combination of a good game and a very successful console.  WD PS4's figures for this initial week also points to a combination of a good game and a successful console. Don't confuse the issue.

MK8 released 3 days later than WD. These figures represent 5 days of sales for WD, and 2 days of sales for MK8. Based on this fact alone, it's unsurprising that WD PS4 numbers in the US show as twice those of MK8.

These figures are only for the US, and don't even represent a full week. Trying to say at this point that WD 'beat' MK8 or that MK8 will 'beat' WD next week is meaningless.

If you really want a fairer comparison, I would suggest you look at the figures again one month, three months and six months down the line, when the difference of those 3 days becomes negligable. Since WD is cross platform, it would be fairer to look at the sales in terms of each 8th gen console's install base for a clearer indication of which game is more successful.

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Wright said:
Conegamer said:

Because they're ugly to look at, takes forever to load, and is annoying to scroll through thee same comment dozens of times if you aren't involved in the discussion.

It's not hard to cut them down after all, and it is a forum rule to keep them below three. 

But is that an official VGChartz rule?

Yes. Yes it is.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:

Yes. Yes it is.

But trasharmdsister12 is banned, so his entire OP is moot!

Xenostar said:
TheDrill said:
maverick40 said:
Interesting to see what impact the kinectless Xbox one will have on sales.

It will win US.



There is no proof in there. 

I have realized that TheDriill CONSTANTLY links his own Topic to keep it popping up and get hits in it. There can be no other reasonable expination because that thread is only proof of someone who ignores everything expect what fits their agenda smh. 

On Topic:

Wow crazy PS$ boost from Watch Dogs! I wonder what Destiny will do for it! And amazing Wii U boost thanks to MK8! I hope it keeps these sells for a while! Everything else is meh....

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

So... which game will save Wii U next as mario karting failed?

I am not really surprised with PS4 and WiiU numbers due to ioi spoiling the numbers!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---