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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Up! 31st May 2014

OdinHades said:
sully1311 said:

PS4 76,845
X1: 12,270

6:1 ratio. X1 needs price drop + countries + gobsmacking e3 fast.

Europe is a lost cause for Microsoft. Seriously, you can get the Titanfall bundle for 396 € (cheapest I have seen so far) and it's still not selling at all. The 399 € kinectless Xbox will do close to nothing around here. And I'm also pretty sure the price will go down to 350 € quite fast, because it will continue to not sell. Meanwhile, the PS4 is STILL sold out most of the time, even if you can only get the 529 € Killzone Bundle. 

Kind of anecdotal evidence, but the numbers do prove my point somewhat. I think Microsoft should just concentrate on the US. Fighting for europe is about as good as fighting for japan.

This. Microsoft had already tarnished the Xbox brand greatly outside of the U.S.

No matter what they do, they will still lose to the PS4. Only chance that they'll have, is in the U.S., & that's it.

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Skeeuk said:

WiiU will drop heavily next week, Wii is lonely down there


ps4 is and where it should be

Why should PS4 be on top instead of Wii U? No worthwhile exclusives atm. Also, Vita is a nice companion. XD

OT: Hope Wii U numbers stagnate at a higher number than before.

Estelle and Adol... best characters ever! XD

Carl2291 said:
Watch_Dogs numbers on Gen 8 are insane when you consider the size of the userbase, with it being a new IP.


Hopefully this pushes even more devs into releasing games during the Summer. The Last of Us did reaaaally well in 2013 and Watch_Dogs just amazed everyone in 2014.

What will 2015's Summer blockbuster be?!

Probably that Ubisoft or was it Activision lol, game that got delayed into 2015. It looked like Watch Dogs, but more FPSy. I've forgotten the name

Dadrik said:
Xenostar said:
Got to say if PS4 gets TLOU in june, i think it will cake walk that month too in the US.

Do you really think a Remaster will push sales ? I mean, I know a lot of people who switched from 360 to PS4 are interested, but still...

So, how else will they play TLoU?

OfficerRaichu15 said:

I think it's impressive that it got a 150k boost pretty dang good

And MK8 was only out 2 days of that week too. 

Around the Network

MK8 will have a stronger word of mouth (or word of luidideathstares on youtube) than Watch_Dogs, and the sales breakdowns for last week are a bit off since MK8 and the bundle weren't available until the last two days of the week.

On the flipside, however, MK8 works fine in multiplayer and friends don't need to buy four consoles to play the game, and you only need 1 per 4 people.

Holy shit, those WiiU numbers. If these numbers are true, then that's what you call a system seller. Based on VGC numbers lately, I'll wait for NPD, but good job if that's the case. 

VGC has been pretty accurate with PS4 numbers all year, so I think I can take those numbers at face value. However, I find it hard to believe that if WD could almost double PS4 sales, it didn't nothing for the XBone. I know the price cut is coming up soon, so that may be a reason. But it hasn't been advertised at all. And according to some people around here, only us forum goers know about news like that. The "average gamer" doesn't have a clue a price cut is coming (since it hasn't been advertised) why would the XBone not get a boost in sales from WD?

Clyde32 said:
OfficerRaichu15 said:

how?! I told him it before you did?!

There is a quote next to the reply button. People don't know when you reply to them, they know when you quote them. 

 This is the fallout from Conegamers war on quote trees , we now have people to scared to even touch the quote button, even if it's just for a single quote.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

Man, those Xbox One numbers are pretty sad :/

Terrible Wii U numbers on MK8 release week it sold negative 300,000 wii u's
A few days ago on VgChartz front page, It was 6.4 million sold now its only 6.1 million after the release of MK8.
What happened? Did a lot of people return their Wii U's after MK8's release