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Forums - Gaming Discussion - E3 Strong Rumor - God Of War 4 Plot Will Show Kratos Fighting Egyptian Gods


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That's actually what I've been hoping for since GOW 2. I for one can't get enough GOW, and maybe that's because I never played the handheld games, so I'm not fatigued on the series (I'll play them at some point). I hope they keep Kratos going for as long as possible. He's probably one of my all time favorite characters in gaming.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


HokageTenshi said:

not kratos again!! i want a new female main character as Goddess of War!!! 

wow that sounds cool!, as long as its a great character with a great personality that isnt a ripoff of bayoneta then it would be great.

estebxx said:
HokageTenshi said:

not kratos again!! i want a new female main character as Goddess of War!!! 

wow that sounds cool!, as long as its a great character with a great personality that isnt a ripoff of bayoneta then it would be great.

I think that's sort of what Broken Sword was supposed to be.  Anyway, I'm certainly open to new mythologies being thrown in, even with a new protagonist, hell they could still use Kratos if they just had to because there is enough correlation between greek and egyptian myth.  Or maybe have him tackle persian mythology in some sort of peloponnesian war angle.

If this is true, God of War is jumping the shark.

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HokageTenshi said:

not kratos again!! i want a new female main character as Goddess of War!!! 

Let me guess. Do you want more fapping material?

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