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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why you wouldn`t buy PS3 for 299$ or 199$?

finalsquall said:
So really, all people that hate on the ps3 would buy one at a cheaper selling price. Weird! You hate because you can't afford ? I'm glad I hate both Wii and 360 because I can afford them and choose not to :P

@ Final scrawl ...

"I love my pizza with swine and extra cheese, infidels!"

OT: Just because a person would buy a PS3 at $199 vs. NOT rushing out and paying $399/$499 for a PS3 doesn't mean a person can't afford it. Your arrogance comes out visibly in your post. A lot of us have brains and don't see the need to pay over $299 for a system. We can afford to, but we don't think it's worth that much. Your biased logic is rather laughable and amusing at times. Your post reveals you'd gladly take a bullet to protect your PS3. Have you considered getting your machine insured by Lloyd's of London? Hmmm ...

I own a PS3 and knowing what I know, if I didn't review games, I would have waited until the PS3 dropped to $199 myself. Some people see the value in it - I don't. But it can play Blu Rays ... so what. It has the cell technology ... so what. It offers so much to some folks, but to the masses, it's lacking severely.

Hit back at me - I think the PS3 is a good machine, but it's way too expensive for most people's tastes. One day, it may find its way and be king again on the video game throne, but right now, it's nothing more than a court jester. 


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No, I will not go back to a 10 button joypad.

finalsquall said:
So really, all people that hate on the ps3 would buy one at a cheaper selling price. Weird! You hate because you can't afford ? I'm glad I hate both Wii and 360 because I can afford them and choose not to :P

There are few if any that *HATE* the PS3.  Most people just think it's not worth the price, or just simply like a different system better.  Microsoft is another issue...


I only would buy one if at least had 4 or 5 games (not bundles), and I'm talking about really good games for me... other than that meh... I don't care for Blu-ray (I didn't care for HD-DVD either), and the all the "all its gadgetry and technology and multimedia options" is worthless for me...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Because I could buy a PS2 for much less.

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1) The controller.

2) If they did something useful with PS Eye, I might buy it at $199. But five years is a long time. What kind of PC would I get for $199 in 2013?

I'd buy ANOTHER one at $299 just to put a second blu-ray player in my living room.

And I'd buy a THIRD ps3 at $199 for portability. I don't like having to haul my 60 GB over to buddies houses so I'd use the $199 as my traveling companion!

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

When will Blu-Ray be mainstream?

RolStoppable said:
CrazzyMan said:

Well, let`s think, that by the end of 2008 there will be pricecut and 40GB version will cost 299$, more over, that version will have also full software BC, which will allow to play most ps2 games(since sony is working on that).

1) So, why you wouldn`t buy ps3 at 299$?

2) Why you wouldn`t buy ps3 at 199$ in next 5 years?

1) Games library of the PS3.

2) Games library of the Wii.

 QFT never make any sense.  Do you really think this whole thing is about price?  I bought a $1500 Plasma to play Metroid Prime 3 on.  If Sony had some kick ass games it might be sitting in my living room.  And don't start a list....I've seen them all.  There's only one thing all these price drops suggest: damage control.  Sony at this point is just trying to break even.  They are hoping that Blu-Ray is good to them....but right now they are employing Microsoft's strategy, which is to let the rest of your company fund your games division.  And the whole BC thing......I don't really care about.  I just went out and bought a PS2 white because my old PS2 was on its last legs.  I paid $129 for my BC and that should satisfy my Sony fix for quite a while.

I'd buy one at $199, if it had games I wanted to play besides R&C and Uncharted.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom