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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U Outsells Xbox One

FromDK said:
Torillian said:
FromDK said:

The last thing to point out.. is piracy.. the most pirated console has always won (ps1, ps2, wii, ds) and homebrewers can do a lot of nice things with the power and second screen on WiiU.

Don't you think you're reversing the true causality there?  Isn't it more likely that the most popular console (the winner) is the one most pirated because it's the most popular, and not the other way around?

It has a effect offcourse.. But no i don't think so.. :)

PS1.. it had no games (other than wipeout) and almost all i know back then had either (or waited to buy it) N64 or Saturn.. IN the momement when we could get a chip for ps1.. All wanted a ps1

PS2.. could had won whitout the chip.. (and saturn was chipped to) but it did'nt hurt is saleswise thats 100% sure

Wii.. Wii was a litle the same.. and i bet a lot of the wii's sold after usb load/hack was out, was becourse of that

DS.. same DS would not hat reached 100 mill, if it wassent so easy to pirate..

I'm in that believe that pirates can really help a console.. it generate a lot of HW sale.. and some games too (buy it real or we ban you.. ms) or if the game is really good and have "extras" 

But the biggest "piracy sells games" is that a lot more people see the machine and games, and like it, and are not pirates them self (i think a lot of DS was sold that way) 

I think your analysis is colored by your opinions on the PS1.  I doubt most would agree with your assessment that the only game it had of worth was Wipeout.  I guess the only way to get a decent handle on this would be to get a record of when these consoles were hacked and what their sales were compared to the competition at that point.  I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of those consoles were already winning their respective generations before being hacked, and that's actually why they were the most likely to get hacked, because of the popularity.  But until we have some records of when these hacks occurred it's really all just conjecture.  


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Mario Kart 8 was a major reason for the Wii U sales boost.

It's interesting to see how the sales will be for both consoles

A few months from now.

WolfpackN64 said:
I see a lot of people defending the X1 (I'm a former X360 user, now Wii U). The reality is, for now, the Wii U is selling very wel, and the X1 is underperforming. Another reality is that multiplats just sell better on the PS4. Honestly, I'm not enticed to buy an X1, and none of my friends (most of which had a X360) are really enticed to buy a X1, most already have a PS4, Wii U or both. Microsoft will have to make a more energy efficiënt 399$ X1 WITH Kinect to get me on board again.

I wanted to say something sarcastic, but I have a feeling ou won't get it.

Wii U sold well for ONE WEEK. X1 will outsell it 95% of the time.

As a Nintendo fanatic, all I care about is beating Sony and the destruction of Apple. Microsoft doesn't really cause me any emotion. Now, if Microsoft starts making legit Banjo games then I will be ticked off and view them as an enemy too. Legit Banjo games need to be with Nintendo.

FromDK said:
Torillian said:
FromDK said:

The last thing to point out.. is piracy.. the most pirated console has always won (ps1, ps2, wii, ds) and homebrewers can do a lot of nice things with the power and second screen on WiiU.

Don't you think you're reversing the true causality there?  Isn't it more likely that the most popular console (the winner) is the one most pirated because it's the most popular, and not the other way around?

It has a effect offcourse.. But no i don't think so.. :)

PS1.. it had no games (other than wipeout) and almost all i know back then had either (or waited to buy it) N64 or Saturn.. IN the momement when we could get a chip for ps1.. All wanted a ps1

PS2.. could had won whitout the chip.. (and dreamcast was chipped to) but it did'nt hurt is saleswise thats 100% sure

Wii.. Wii was a litle the same.. and i bet a lot of the wii's sold after usb load/hack was out, was becourse of that

DS.. same DS would not hat reached 100 mill, if it wassent so easy to pirate..

I'm in that believe that pirates can really help a console.. it generate a lot of HW sale.. and some games too (buy it real or we ban you.. ms) or if the game is really good and have "extras" 

But the biggest "piracy sells games" is that a lot more people see the machine and games, and like it, and are not pirates them self (i think a lot of DS was sold that way) 

I think you are completely delusional.

EDIT: You have a spelling mistake IN your profile pic.

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Torillian said:
FromDK said:
Torillian said:
FromDK said:

The last thing to point out.. is piracy.. the most pirated console has always won (ps1, ps2, wii, ds) and homebrewers can do a lot of nice things with the power and second screen on WiiU.

Don't you think you're reversing the true causality there?  Isn't it more likely that the most popular console (the winner) is the one most pirated because it's the most popular, and not the other way around?

It has a effect offcourse.. But no i don't think so.. :)

PS1.. it had no games (other than wipeout) and almost all i know back then had either (or waited to buy it) N64 or Saturn.. IN the momement when we could get a chip for ps1.. All wanted a ps1

PS2.. could had won whitout the chip.. (and saturn was chipped to) but it did'nt hurt is saleswise thats 100% sure

Wii.. Wii was a litle the same.. and i bet a lot of the wii's sold after usb load/hack was out, was becourse of that

DS.. same DS would not hat reached 100 mill, if it wassent so easy to pirate..

I'm in that believe that pirates can really help a console.. it generate a lot of HW sale.. and some games too (buy it real or we ban you.. ms) or if the game is really good and have "extras" 

But the biggest "piracy sells games" is that a lot more people see the machine and games, and like it, and are not pirates them self (i think a lot of DS was sold that way) 

I think your analysis is colored by your opinions on the PS1.  I doubt most would agree with your assessment that the only game it had of worth was Wipeout.  I guess the only way to get a decent handle on this would be to get a record of when these consoles were hacked and what their sales were compared to the competition at that point.  I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of those consoles were already winning their respective generations before being hacked, and that's actually why they were the most likely to get hacked, because of the popularity.  But until we have some records of when these hacks occurred it's really all just conjecture.  

I was there :)

And believe me when i say.. i liked the ps1 a lot.. And i had all the (good) games for it) Wipeout, ridgeracer.. metal slut, MK and also got crash (i liked that very much) but compared to N64 and Saturn not that much.. and as i say.. the turning point.. not only saleswise, but also good "presswise" was the chip.

But i don't want to go in a big argue on piracy.. just staing that there are a lot of "gamechangers" waiting to happen yet. (The point was that it's to early to judge who will win this gen)



You don't think pirates has the effect.. it's ok..

And sorry for the spelling (i'm danish) hope you get the point :)

Eh, it's to be expected. Wii U has a huge game launch while X1 is 1 week away from a price drop.

X1 has a chance of being #1 price drop week.

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

Second place war begins now!!!!

Well Seams Wii u is Killing xbox now. Nintendo rules !

FromDK said:
Torillian said:

I think your analysis is colored by your opinions on the PS1.  I doubt most would agree with your assessment that the only game it had of worth was Wipeout.  I guess the only way to get a decent handle on this would be to get a record of when these consoles were hacked and what their sales were compared to the competition at that point.  I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of those consoles were already winning their respective generations before being hacked, and that's actually why they were the most likely to get hacked, because of the popularity.  But until we have some records of when these hacks occurred it's really all just conjecture.  

I was there :)

And believe me when i say.. i liked the ps1 a lot.. And i had all the (good) games for it) Wipeout, ridgeracer.. metal slut, MK and also got crash (i liked that very much) but compared to N64 and Saturn not that much.. and as i say.. the turning point.. not only saleswise, but also good "presswise" was the chip.

But i don't want to go in a big argue on piracy.. just staing that there are a lot of "gamechangers" waiting to happen yet. (The point was that it's to early to judge who will win this gen)



You don't think pirates has the effect.. it's ok..

And sorry for the spelling (i'm danish) hope you get the point :)

You were there (me too btw) but you are a single person using the opinions of your friends as a standard for the opinions and motivations of the entire world.  You have to see how that makes absolutely no sense from a statistics standpoint if you have any handle on how math works.  Hell I might take your word for how the press for the PS1 changed in your region, and maybe hacking was the reason that it won where you were, but I can't take that as evidence for hacking being the reason the PS1 won globally.  
