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FromDK said:
Torillian said:
FromDK said:

The last thing to point out.. is piracy.. the most pirated console has always won (ps1, ps2, wii, ds) and homebrewers can do a lot of nice things with the power and second screen on WiiU.

Don't you think you're reversing the true causality there?  Isn't it more likely that the most popular console (the winner) is the one most pirated because it's the most popular, and not the other way around?

It has a effect offcourse.. But no i don't think so.. :)

PS1.. it had no games (other than wipeout) and almost all i know back then had either (or waited to buy it) N64 or Saturn.. IN the momement when we could get a chip for ps1.. All wanted a ps1

PS2.. could had won whitout the chip.. (and dreamcast was chipped to) but it did'nt hurt is saleswise thats 100% sure

Wii.. Wii was a litle the same.. and i bet a lot of the wii's sold after usb load/hack was out, was becourse of that

DS.. same DS would not hat reached 100 mill, if it wassent so easy to pirate..

I'm in that believe that pirates can really help a console.. it generate a lot of HW sale.. and some games too (buy it real or we ban you.. ms) or if the game is really good and have "extras" 

But the biggest "piracy sells games" is that a lot more people see the machine and games, and like it, and are not pirates them self (i think a lot of DS was sold that way) 

I think you are completely delusional.

EDIT: You have a spelling mistake IN your profile pic.