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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U Outsells Xbox One

Slade6alpha said:
superchunk said:
Fusioncode said:
There is no battle. XBO has second place locked down.

Let me know when Xbone is in second.

I'll get back to you by the absolute latest, December 2014 :)


Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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Where a the charts? A versus topic with no charts at VGChartz? Blasfemie!

AnthonyW86 said:
Where a the charts? A versus topic with no charts at VGChartz? Blasfemie!

You see the charts every time you enter VGChartz.

At the moment -

Xbox One - 4.5 million

Wii U - 6.2 million

These are the console sales at the moment.

We will all know by next year if Xbox One will pass Wii U sales

Maybe Nintendo can sustain the second place.

We will know soon.

SnK0610 said:

Don't forget Xbox Live costs a lot of money.

Nintendo internet connection is Free.

Don't forget that Xbox Live gives free games that is more money back in game content then buying 2x Live per year and Nintendo's service is equivalent to Xbox Live in 2003 (I am serious).

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


I have no idea which company internet service is better.

I haven't tried the internet collection on either of these consoles.

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Ka-pi96 said:
Vena said:

The WiiU, unlike the X1 and PS4, is a PPC GPGPU system rather than a x86 throughput system. The X1 IS a weaker PS4 as they are the same thing with different components, all inferior to any moderately new PC. Point for point, the architecture of the WiiU is much more efficient than x86 as that architecture depends much more heavily on raw power rather than efficiency.

So you have not fixed it as what you said is simply factually incorrect where facts matter.

Except the Wii U is still technically weaker than the PS4.

This is true, but it is not the same thing as a PS4. Its completely different structure inside and can do completely different things for completely different resource draws. It has less throughput, yes no doubt, but "weaker" is a relative term. It does NOT have the same horsepower but efficiency it likely peaks above the PS4/X1 allowing it do more with less.

i agree WiiU v Xbone,

call me a Sonyntendo fan all the way,really hope Nintendo can hold 2nd place for as long as possible,come on Mario,smash & other great new releases,pricecuts,family fun and free online do your stuff,keep the fight up

it will be a sad day if Xbox takes second place but the fun we can have until then is worth thanking you for so thanks WiiU keep it up from all the Sonyntendo fans


I smell like the dark forest of Dwemereth in the morning mist                                                   fanboy til i'm bankrupt

We will know better by the end of this year which console is second place,

Wii U or Xbox One.

Have you noticed on VGChartz

that on the week of 31 of may the Wii U outsold Xbox one?

Are things starting to change?

We will see in the near future.

While the MK8 boost was pretty nice, that doesn't neccessary mean the WiiU will somehow steal the 2nd place from the Xbox One!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---