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Ka-pi96 said:
Vena said:

The WiiU, unlike the X1 and PS4, is a PPC GPGPU system rather than a x86 throughput system. The X1 IS a weaker PS4 as they are the same thing with different components, all inferior to any moderately new PC. Point for point, the architecture of the WiiU is much more efficient than x86 as that architecture depends much more heavily on raw power rather than efficiency.

So you have not fixed it as what you said is simply factually incorrect where facts matter.

Except the Wii U is still technically weaker than the PS4.

This is true, but it is not the same thing as a PS4. Its completely different structure inside and can do completely different things for completely different resource draws. It has less throughput, yes no doubt, but "weaker" is a relative term. It does NOT have the same horsepower but efficiency it likely peaks above the PS4/X1 allowing it do more with less.