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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

Goatseye said:
England should play in 4-5-1.

What was wrong with the dick shaped tactic they used in the second half??

-___-" who in the world plays like that..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Around the Network

I don't understand what does Rooney do in the midfield. Roy could've had Dier as a DM, an MC and an attacking midfielder to open up teams like Iceland. Rooney is not capable of find space behind the defense line for the wingers.

NiKKoM said:
Goatseye said:
England should play in 4-5-1.

What was wrong with the dick shaped tactic they used in the second half??

-___-" who in the world plays like that..

There's so much wrong with that pic. Rooney in midfield, Vardy and Sturridge on the wings, Wilshere as a fucking holding midfielder.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

kowenicki said:
Kerotan said:

Gold.  It was worth the wait :D 


BTW it's not Nice to make fun of people with speech problems.  

roy deserves every bit of abuse that can reach him.

Lols what about the people responsible for hiring him and sticking by him?  What about the gutless display from the England players.  Individually they're far to superior to Iceland yet they lose.  


You couldn't even get further in the tournament than minnows like northern Ireland and Ireland.  Wales went further.  The players are a disgrace. The manager poor too but even that team he played should have won. 


But I'm happy they didn't.  Love seeing minnows like Iceland progress really far. 

RolStoppable said:
Scisca said:

Oh Rol, why are you doing this to yourself? Accept the fact that some people understand football better than you Think about the reasons for our quarrel - I told you England was terrible and Iceland was better. I told you Group B was by far the worst, worse than Group F. I told you that you were overestimating Spain. I told you Poland was a top 5 team, while you said Poland was worse than Czech Republic, Portugal, Croatia and England - yet here we are, Poland is still standing in the top 8, one game away from winning a medal, and out of your group of "better teams" only Portugal is left in the tournament, after barely getting out of its group in the 3rd place. You kept saying England was better and stood a chance to win the Cup, while they aren't even the best in the Isles Accept the fact, that I was right on all accounts. Look at your rank with all the changes you had to make in it and compare it to mine and how mine stands the test of time:

With hindsight I guess I should put Portugal one place higher - over England (Cristiano alone proved to be worth more than the English team) and drop Czech Rep under Wales. The rest stands if you ask me, and when you cut out the teams that are out, the rank is like this:

1. Italy
2. Germany
3. France
4. Poland
5. Belgium
6. Iceland
7. Portugal
8. Wales

I think it's the right order at this point. If our strikers were playing like they played half a year ago, I'd be putting Poland on 2nd or 3rd place. Probably 2nd, since in that case the final would be guaranteed, while at this point everything is still up in the air.


You have a very biased way of looking at our lists. I never put the Czech Republic above Poland (you've already provided the link, so it's easy to check for everyone). You put the CR at #8 while I had them at #14. I won't accept the "fact" that you were right on all accounts, because it isn't a fact. Better teams than Poland being eliminated before Poland isn't that surprising when you remember that those teams played against teams that are better than Poland. Meanwhile, Poland played against Switzerland and had luck on their side.

Also, there's still nobody except you who sees Poland as a top 5 team and we are already at the point where there only eight teams left in the tournament.

Not in the rank, but you said in a post that Czech Rep looks better than Poland, just like you've said this about the other teams I've listed. Plus, you put Austria ahead of us, but that is so ridiculous, that I don't even see the point of mentioning this, since you put it out of spite

Fact is, all the stuff I've said that was considered soooo controversial turned out to be true. And I am right with Poland being a top 5 team, no matter what you say. It really baffles me why it's so hard for you to admit that. We're at this stage of the cup despite Milik and Lewandowski being on strike - I think you're aware of what level of players we're talking about here? They play bad, which is sad, but they aren't bad players. Think how good this team is, when these stars play on their level, if we're still rolling with them sucking? I somehow don't see you devalueing Spain because their players play like crap, you keep them up there, probably still above Poland. Why the double standard? I'm sorry, but you seem to have a rather superficial understanding of football. Everyone will make a wrong call every now and then - it's sports, but so far this tournament isn't really surprising to me. And Poland is the better team, even though it can obviously lose to Portugal, just like Croatia did. I don't care what other people think, most people don't understand football and have no idea what to look at when judging a team. They see a team score a couple goals and go crazy about it, just like when you put Spain on the very top after they won with Turkey... I'm sorry, but that's laughable. To me Spain looked really bad in that game and lost a lot in my eyes and what do you know - they lost both of their following games. How surprising... Not. In fact, I wanted Poland to place second in the group, since I was expecting Spain to at least draw with Croatia, so that we'd play Spain in the quarterfinals - since I was 100% sure we'd defeat this terrible, terrible Spanish team, while Italy waiting on the other side of the bracket is a terrifying grindhouse. Turns out we're facing Portugal, against which we're the slight favourites as well, even though our team is underperforming - which makes me sad, since with strikers playing the way they played this whole season, we'd be a lock for the final and would tear all teams on this side of the bracket apart. At this point the final is still not out of the question, but by no means is it certain either. Unless strikers erupt, we look more like a team that only gets to the semis.

Look. We didn't beat Switzerland by luck. Taking penalties is part of the skillset (vide: Argentina). We are the better team with higher quality and better players. They scored only after a miracle circus shot, a bicycle kick from outside the penalty box, that went in off the post, when all their strikers were guarded tighly by our defenders - basically the goal of the tournament. A classic 100% scoring opportunity And that' the only goal we've lost so far. If that's what it takes to score on us, I'm fine with that You want to know, why we started the game great, dominated it, took the lead, but after 60-65 minute stopped playing? We played at 3 pm in scorching heat. It was one of the hottest days in last weeks. I'm not sure if you remember, but FIFA introduced 2 special 3 minute breaks in games played at that hour in World Cup in Brazil, because players can't make it through a game in such conditions. The conditions of our game were like the ones in Brasil (scorching sun, around 30 degrees), but there were no extra breaks. Now combine that with the fact, that Switzerland had 6 days of rest prior to the game, while we had only 4 and now you see why they tolerated the game better. It's not that Switzerland suddenly got better, or what Weaverworld says, that we had no clue on how to play. We simply ran out of fuel, which is understandable, when you play in such extreme conditions after having already played 3 games every 4 days. Swiss players entered the game much more rested and that's why they dominated the finish of the game and extra time. It's no rocket science.

I'm sorry, but you can't ignore this factor in your judgment. Time for rest is an important factor that people underestimate or ignore and then don't understand what they see on the pitch. Starting from the next stage, the winner of the game between Poland and Portugal will enjoy the same handicap that Switzerland had, which could be especially visible in the final (a bit less in the semis). We're playing on the 30th of June, while France-Iceland play their quarterfinal on the 3rd of July. We'll already forget about our game at this point. The semis are on the 6th and 7th, which means 6 days for the winner of pair A, 5 days for pair B, 5 days for pair C, 4 days for pair D. The final is on the 10th, which means 4 days for the team that rested 5-6 days, 3 days for team that rested 4-5 days. In a hypothetical final between Poland and France, we'd have Poland playing 3 games over 10 days and France playing 3 games over 7 days - another reason why I wanted Germany to win the group. This stuff adds up, especially at the end of a tournament. That's the nature of tournaments, it's good to be aware of it.

To give you extra insight on just how important this is, the first twitt after the game by Lewandowski was "I wish the Croatians and Portuguese have the pleasure of enjoying extra time as well". He knows how important it is to be at the same point physically and was so exhausted, that this was the thing he was thinking about. Fortunately, Poland and Portugal will play a fair game in this instance.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.

Around the Network
Goatseye said:
I don't understand what does Rooney do in the midfield. Roy could've had Dier as a DM, an MC and an attacking midfielder to open up teams like Iceland. Rooney is not capable of find space behind the defense line for the wingers.

I don't understand what does Rooney do on your team at all, he's only pulling you back. Still, the painful truth is that English players are only average at best and your keepers are terrible as always. I mean, how many English players are successful outside of Premiership? Not a single one? Huh. That should give you a clue on the real value of your players, if they can't find a place without the "local boy" handicap. And it's not like your clubs are that good either. Premiership is the weakest it's been my whole life. I remember it being the best and most exciting league in the World, now even the second place is highly debatable. If you take all of this into consideration, you get a team that deserves exactly what England gets.

Honestly, don't ever get hyped about the English team, until you have players playing in top foreign clubs.


PS. I did some research. Since you won the World Cup, you've advanced to the quarterfinals or above 14 times (sidenote: Euro didn't use to have quarterfinals at all for quite some time). Out of those 14 times, you've made it to the semis only... 3 times! This includes times when you automatically got there out of the group... Remarkable consistency, which should also tame your expectations.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.

AZWification said:

There's so much wrong with that pic. Rooney in midfield, Vardy and Sturridge on the wings, Wilshere as a fucking holding midfielder.

Here's the easiest way to explain it. This formation or whatever formation we used isn't being played to have a player in their best position but to have the player on the pitch. Sturridge, Vardy and others are forced into a position which isn't their natural one just so they can play, not what best suits them. Other nations don't do that, they play to the formation not the players.

Hmm, pie.

Scisca said:
Goatseye said:
I don't understand what does Rooney do in the midfield. Roy could've had Dier as a DM, an MC and an attacking midfielder to open up teams like Iceland. Rooney is not capable of find space behind the defense line for the wingers.

I don't understand what does Rooney do on your team at all, he's only pulling you back. Still, the painful truth is that English players are only average at best and your keepers are terrible as always. I mean, how many English players are successful outside of Premiership? Not a single one? Huh. That should give you a clue on the real value of your players, if they can't find a place without the "local boy" handicap. And it's not like your clubs are that good either. Premiership is the weakest it's been my whole life. I remember it being the best and most exciting league in the World, now even the second place is highly debatable. If you take all of this into consideration, you get a team that deserves exactly what England gets.

Honestly, don't ever get hyped about the English team, until you have players playing in top foreign clubs.


PS. I did some research. Since you won the World Cup, you've advanced to the quarterfinals or above 14 times (sidenote: Euro didn't use to have quarterfinals at all for quite some time). Out of those 14 times, you've made it to the semis only... 3 times! This includes times when you automatically got there out of the group... Remarkable consistency, which should also tame your expectations.

I'm not English. Still, I consider English players above average. They just need better coaches and system.

They're passive defensively and not creative enough in the midfield. That all can be changed.

Most of the time English players don't get out of the country because they get payed higher than most European leagues right out of the gate. Their country has a better soccer culture and PL is usually more exciting.

"Honestly, don't ever get hyped about the English team, until you have players playing in top foreign clubs." That's a load of bollocks, Italy in 2006 had mostly domestic players, Spain 2008 had mostly Real and Barcelona players, Germany 2014 had mostly Bayern and Dortmund players.

English team needs Mourinho in there to make them more agressive, cunning and incisive.

Goatseye said:

I'm not English. Still, I consider English players above average. They just need better coaches and system.

Most of the time English players don't get out of the country because they get payed higher than most European leagues right out of the gate. Their country has a better soccer culture and PL is usually more exciting.

"Honestly, don't ever get hyped about the English team, until you have players playing in top foreign clubs." That's a load of bollocks, Italy in 2006 had mostly domestic players, Spain 2008 had mostly Real and Barcelona players, Germany 2014 had mostly Bayern and Dortmund players.


but... de Rossi, Totti, Gatusso, Bufon, Toni, Del Piero... Iniesta, Xavi, Puyol, Cassilas, Villa...Neuer, Ozil, Muller, Kroos,... sure you don't have to play in a foreign league when you have multiple players with that kinda worldclass skill level... but the English don't have those kinda players.. not even close.. do they even have one worldclass player?


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

I am a very angry individual.