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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox one will catch up soon with PS4 and then outsell it in the USA

TheDrill said:

Doesn't matter, this is just the start.

My prediction considered the period AFTER the price cut, everybody talked bad to me about how I am wrong, but they forgot that my prediction started the week of the price cut, and I am dead right.

you should wait for real numbers to gloat bud, ndp not ones with a 6 month history of getting it very wrong.  

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TheDrill said:
Aura7541 said:

It is still behind the PS4 for June by 13k (according to VGC). And why you still believe VGC numbers is beyond me, especially even after adjustments, VGC is still off from NPD by 37% in May. NPD will show that the X1 is once again, overtracked on this site.

Doesn't matter, this is just the start.

My prediction considered the period AFTER the price cut, everybody talked bad to me about how I am wrong, but they forgot that my prediction started the week of the price cut, and I am dead right.

Then how do you explain the X1 constantly being behind the PS4 on major retailers like Best Buy, Amazon, and Gamestop even AFTER the price cut? On Amazon, the PS4 is constantly ~40 places ahead of the X1 and that's no small gap. Same thing goes for the other retailers. Remember earlier that I mentioned BenV? Halfway through June, he said that X1 was leading, BUT the PS4 was "putting up a good fight." The "putting up a good fight" part strongly implies that at that point of the month, PS4 and X1 were virtually tied on Gamestop. However, that's just one retailer and at that point of time, the PS4 had a huge lead in other retailers. After BenV's statement, the PS4 has been always ahead of the X1 by several spots on the best sellers list. Point being, the X1 had a narrow lead, but quickly lost it right after.

"Doesn't matter, this is just the start" is a total cop out, TheDrill. It's hilarious how you claimed that VGC is accurate, but when the Watch Dogs week numbers came out, you kept complaining about how the PS4 was overtracked because the numbers didn't favor you. Now, you're believing VGC again because the numbers conveniently favor your prediction. You've been shown time and time again that you're wrong. Every time you've been proven wrong, you reply with a "just wait until...." statement or the like.

Do you really believe that X1 will beat PS4 in July when TLOU Remastered comes out? If so, I would like to hear your explanation. How about when Destiny comes out? The white PS4 Destiny bundle led the X1 by a lot on Amazon and Gamestop for much of June. Even after it slipped down the top sellers charts, it's nearly tied with the Kinect-less SKU. What makes you think that the X1 can outsell the PS4 when Destiny comes out?

No, it won't, sorry but the PS4 is too strong actually.

Hey don't click here ! It's creepy !!

I want a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel ! Come on Sony, stop making too many shooters !

I'll make a better signature when I'll have time to do it...  

This is clearly the weirdest thread on this site in a long while. Obviously the OP has an opinion that won't be affected by facts or explanations. The OP is right from his point of view. As long as that is true, he will never back down. At this point, there are over 750 posts to this thread and the OP has to be close to 100+ of those. Regardless of the point of his first post, he continues to suck new people into the conversation restating the same things he has a dozen times in this thread. Just like the people he sucks in making the same dozen or so points against him. I have to admit, it makes great reading!

It is near the end of the end....

Landguy said:
This is clearly the weirdest thread on this site in a long while. Obviously the OP has an opinion that won't be affected by facts or explanations. The OP is right from his point of view. As long as that is true, he will never back down. At this point, there are over 750 posts to this thread and the OP has to be close to 100+ of those. Regardless of the point of his first post, he continues to suck new people into the conversation restating the same things he has a dozen times in this thread. Just like the people he sucks in making the same dozen or so points against him. I have to admit, it makes great reading!

Like another guy said this is easily one of the best threads on teh charts....some great reading material indeed in here lol!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

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Most fun thread I have read in a long time. Please, continue with the insane conversation.

BeElite said:
TheDrill said:

Doesn't matter, this is just the start.

My prediction considered the period AFTER the price cut, everybody talked bad to me about how I am wrong, but they forgot that my prediction started the week of the price cut, and I am dead right.

you should wait for real numbers to gloat bud, ndp not ones with a 6 month history of getting it very wrong.  

I'm a fortune teller :NPD will show the real us June numbers were 50% less than vgc reported, op will deny NPD is accurate. Then eventually vgc will update their numbers and op will completely ignore the entire subject of June, choosing instead some new hopeless point of misplaced hope and insanity to cling to. /thread. /repeat.

Unbelievable thread. I feel dirty for adding to it's girth.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

just wait for holiday season to see this thread come true


edit: the catch up will start at that point

outsell will hapen later.

ltd overtake holiday 2015

76 pages later, no signs of stopping.
You can't stop this train.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank