TheDrill said:
I never claimed it was more accurate, I just claimed that it's very reasonable to consider that NPD can be inaccurate as well, since they can't possibly get an exact count of units sold, it is just an estimate
Actually You claimed that NPD was completely false and you equated it to false statements being aired on TV.
TheDrill said:
Your logic is flawed, being used on the official Xbox Website does not prove accurracy.
That's like claiming that if a false statement is made on TV or shown in a newspaper, it proves it's validity.
For centuries and even now people believed false things, and as science advances they are shown that way.
In a few months It will be shown that I was right, and you are all blind.
Considering you based your theory entirely on VGchartz numbers when VGchartz trusts NPD so completely that they always go back and change their numbers to reflect it. Considering that recent NPD numbers prove VGChartz underestimated Ps4's numbers and overestimated Xbox1's numbers. It stands to reason that not only is your theory completely wrong but you are also highly unintelligent for using numbers that you believe to be inaccurate and untrustworthy as a source for your theory and for your assertion that your theory is correct. So you either have to absolutely believe the numbers from NPD are accurate in which case your theory is invalid and proven wrong simply due to math, or your theory is absolutely invalid because you believe the source for your numbers (which is exactly like NPD except for the fact they are often wrong in their estimates and always go back and change their predictions to match NPD ) to be inaccurate and false. Either Way there is no way your theory is valid. I tell ya what lets give it to august which is a few months away. If NPD which you say is inaccurate and VGchartz which always adjusts it's numbers to reflect NPD after NPD is released, if both of those prove your already invalid and flawed theory in August I will come back here apologize and praise you for your future seeing powers. However if August comes and it doesn't happen EXACTLY as you claim with the EXACT numbers you claimed then you have to come here and apologize to all of us and admit you are an idiot.