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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Dogs: 900p PS4, 792p X1, both 30fps

Guess I'll just get it on PC. Would have gone PS4 for playing it with my friends but not at sub 1080p. I'll just max it on PC.

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Zekkyou said:
kinisking said:
Zekkyou said:

Where, in this entire 150+ post thread, has a single person described the difference between 900p and 792p as huge? :/ Because otherwise i really don't get the point in you saying that...

It's a pretty large difference resource wise (assuming both run at an identical frame rate), but visually the difference between them can be adequately described as "noticeable but nothing at all major".

you can see the difference between 792p and 900 p? thats like litterally 100p's. upscaled the difference will be negligeble dont you think? 720 p and 1080 p are hard enough as it is.

I can yes ^^ 900p is a tad over 29% higher than 792p, so while the difference is noticeable, it's not particularly intrusive.

After so many years of playing on the PC at 1080p (well, 5760 x 1080 if the game supports it, but clarity wise that's the same as standard 1080p), as well as the majority of PS4 games being 1080p, i find it rather easy to tell when something isn't. 720p is just... bleh >.< I had a constant feeling of irritation during my entire play through of TLOU because of the 720p :/ Same with Halo 4. That's not to say i didn't enjoy they, they're both fantastic game (especially TLOU), but bloody hell did that blur nag at me.

Still, everyone is different i suppose. I'll be getting WD on PC that's for sure :P

really? well i guess you have high standards. i only have a 720 p tv, and my eyes arent that great, not even 4k wows me (saw it on display)

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

the Sony staff who in charge of the PS4 Watch Dogs preorder ads should get a pay cut... 

I knew 1080p/60fps was bogus, but I was sure it would be 1080p/30fps on PS4.

Daisuke72 said:
it was 1080p 30fps and now 900p 30fps for a game that doesn't look as good as Infamous: Second Son or Killzone, yikes.

That's my problem with this news.  This game can obviously be run on the PS4 at 1080p and 30FPS, like Infamous.  I mean, it's not a bad looking game, but it has nothing on the visuals and fluidity of Infamous.  Who knows, maybe it'll be like Assassin's Creed, where they obviously had a previous agreement with MS (as did Activision), and a simple day one patch upped the rez to 1080p.

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thismeintiel said:
Daisuke72 said:
it was 1080p 30fps and now 900p 30fps for a game that doesn't look as good as Infamous: Second Son or Killzone, yikes.

That's my problem with this news.  This game can obviously be run on the PS4 at 1080p and 30FPS, like Infamous.  I mean, it's not a bad looking game, but it has nothing on the visuals and fluidity of Infamous.  Who knows, maybe it'll be like Assassin's Creed, where they obviously had a previous agreement with MS (as did Activision), and a simple day one patch upped the rez to 1080p.

An agreement? Would like to see a source for this.

thismeintiel said:
Daisuke72 said:
it was 1080p 30fps and now 900p 30fps for a game that doesn't look as good as Infamous: Second Son or Killzone, yikes.

That's my problem with this news.  This game can obviously be run on the PS4 at 1080p and 30FPS, like Infamous.  I mean, it's not a bad looking game, but it has nothing on the visuals and fluidity of Infamous.  Who knows, maybe it'll be like Assassin's Creed, where they obviously had a previous agreement with MS (as did Activision), and a simple day one patch upped the rez to 1080p.

Watchdogs could potentially have more going on in the background than Infamous though; all those wind physics, and such.

kowenicki said:
Zekkyou said:
kowenicki said:

I think you're missing that point. 

let me help you out.  2 days ago sony bragged OFFICIALLY about it being 1080p 60fps.

Thats funny.

1080p 900p 792p 720p.  I couldnt care less as long as its a good game.  Which I dont think it will be.

Did you find Forza 5's fake demo funny, out of curiosity? ^^


To humour you... no more or less funny than all those other fake demos over the years.  I'm sure you remember plenty... being a sony fan.

But you have descended into off topic digs now... not very nice that you know.

Back on topic please.  ta.

Sony had fake demos?  Really?  I know of a few overreaching target vids, that they rightfully got flack for.  What were the fake demos that they pushed for months as the real game?  Did they go so far as let millions of people watch a late night host play said fake demo?

Zekkyou said:
Justagamer said:

Don't worry guys... The NEXT next gen will handle 1080p with ease. Until then, I'll just try my best to enjoy the games. Oh, and, 900p and 792p!!! What a GIGANTIC difference! How will people cope?

Where, in this entire 150+ post thread, has a single person described the difference between 900p and 792p as huge? :/ Because otherwise i really don't get the point in you saying that...

It's a pretty large difference resource wise (assuming both run at an identical frame rate), but visually the difference between them can be adequately described as "noticeable but nothing at all major".

Well, there is a post by someone, I'll let you find it, that said, this is another blow to the x1.... The blow being 900p vs 792p... If I need to find it for you, well, I won't, you can can do that yourself. It's there. So there ya go!

MB1025 said:
thismeintiel said:
Daisuke72 said:
it was 1080p 30fps and now 900p 30fps for a game that doesn't look as good as Infamous: Second Son or Killzone, yikes.

That's my problem with this news.  This game can obviously be run on the PS4 at 1080p and 30FPS, like Infamous.  I mean, it's not a bad looking game, but it has nothing on the visuals and fluidity of Infamous.  Who knows, maybe it'll be like Assassin's Creed, where they obviously had a previous agreement with MS (as did Activision), and a simple day one patch upped the rez to 1080p.

An agreement? Would like to see a source for this.

Come on.  Let's use logical sense here.  You don't just come out with a day one patch that ups the res from 720p/900p to friggin 1080p.  When has that ever happened before?  Never.  Obviously, they already knew the PS4 could handle the games at that res, so why not release it at 1080p?  It's pretty obvious MS had a hand in that, so there wouldn't be much made about the resolution disparities before launch.