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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So Mario Kart 8 isn't going to help boost sales of the Wii U huh?

Jet2014 said:
MARIO KART 8 Will noT push any units for the wii u matter of fact it will decrease wii u sales down to 100 and the wii u will be discontinued for having no games in the future and the virgins who play grown up games will lose their virginity

They will do that by playing Hello Kitty Kruisers!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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bigtakilla said: And this isn't even Smash Bros. Could this be the resurgence of the Wii U? Let's face it, now's a perfect time to get it, with two games (MK8, and a digital download) and the slew of the mature games people have been waiting for on the horizon like Bayo 2, Smash, and X, then Zelda and Fatal Frame as the two huge titles for 2015. Hop on board guys, the hype is real!

The question has never been "IF: MK8 will move hardware and sell -  the question has been and remains" " How much hardware will it move and for how long" and  "will Nintendo do anything to capatalize on a sales boost or will they let momentm die?"

Dunban67 said:
bigtakilla said: And this isn't even Smash Bros. Could this be the resurgence of the Wii U? Let's face it, now's a perfect time to get it, with two games (MK8, and a digital download) and the slew of the mature games people have been waiting for on the horizon like Bayo 2, Smash, and X, then Zelda and Fatal Frame as the two huge titles for 2015. Hop on board guys, the hype is real!

The question has never been "IF: MK8 will move hardware and sell -  the question has been and remains" " How much hardware will it move and for how long" and  "will Nintendo do anything to capatalize on a sales boost or will they let momentm die?"

I think it all will come down to how they play their E3 cards. If they can give us release dates for Bayonetta 2 and X (with both being this year) spaced out just right so that there isn't a huge gap between these titles and Smash Bros (say late July and early October). This will lead directly into Smash for winter release (late Nov/early Dec territory) and will close out the year strong. Add in Watch Dogs and Hyrule Warriors to cussion the bare spots and it could lead to some people taking the leap. 

I think that will help keep consoles moving in larger numbers than it has been for the past few months. Get it back on the map if you will, but to maintain Mario Kart 8 high sales for the rest of the year a little more must be done.

They will HAVE to show a Legend Of Zelda game at this E3! It would also help with a few more good (although probably not AAA quality) titles to help this year along. It would also really help to have a gameplay trailer for Fatal Frame 5 showing the use of the gamepad and a promise  to release it Worldwide. Announce a Pokemon game for Wii U, or really any retro game people have been posting on literally every forum begging for. Show more trailers at E3 like this: (and let's face it, love or hate the game the trailer is EPIC!)

Instead of this:

As many of the things listed Nintendo can implement the better off there sales will probably be.

bigtakilla said:
Dunban67 said:
bigtakilla said: And this isn't even Smash Bros. Could this be the resurgence of the Wii U? Let's face it, now's a perfect time to get it, with two games (MK8, and a digital download) and the slew of the mature games people have been waiting for on the horizon like Bayo 2, Smash, and X, then Zelda and Fatal Frame as the two huge titles for 2015. Hop on board guys, the hype is real!

The question has never been "IF: MK8 will move hardware and sell -  the question has been and remains" " How much hardware will it move and for how long" and  "will Nintendo do anything to capatalize on a sales boost or will they let momentm die?"

I think it all will come down to how they play their E3 cards. If they can give us release dates for Bayonetta 2 and X (with both being this year) spaced out just right so that there isn't a huge gap between these titles and Smash Bros (say late July and early October). This will lead directly into Smash for winter release (late Nov/early Dec territory) and will close out the year strong. Add in Watch Dogs and Hyrule Warriors to cussion the bare spots and it could lead to some people taking the leap. 

I think that will help keep consoles moving in larger numbers than it has been for the past few months. Get it back on the map if you will, but to maintain Mario Kart 8 high sales for the rest of the year a little more must be done.

They will HAVE to show a Legend Of Zelda game at this E3! It would also help with a few more good (although probably not AAA quality) titles to help this year along. It would also really help to have a gameplay trailer for Fatal Frame 5 showing the use of the gamepad and a promise  to release it Worldwide. Announce a Pokemon game for Wii U, or really any retro game people have been posting on literally every forum begging for. Show more trailers at E3 like this: (and let's face it, love or hate the game the trailer is EPIC!)

Instead of this:

As many of the things listed Nintendo can implement the better off there sales will probably be.

I agree- Even Iwata said early on that they needed a steady stream of compellig software to keep momentum-  That is soethng they have not done yet but hopefully they will do now-  They need to do a better job of communicating w the market (consumer) via reasonable release widows and occasional specifcs to keep things excited-  eveyone knows that if Nintendo says "in the future" it could mean tomorrrow or 3+ years from now

There are stll improvments they cold make all arond IMO re games and hardware so if they can create a spark and are willing to take  risk via charging ahead (if they create a spark) then the Wii U could still do ok-  But so far, IMO Iwata seems to take half measures -  Lets hope he will comit to a direction a run w it

Dunban67 said:

I agree- Even Iwata said early on that they needed a steady stream of compellig software to keep momentum-  That is soethng they have not done yet but hopefully they will do now-  They need to do a better job of communicating w the market (consumer) via reasonable release widows and occasional specifcs to keep things excited-  eveyone knows that if Nintendo says "in the future" it could mean tomorrrow or 3+ years from now

There are stll improvments they cold make all arond IMO re games and hardware so if they can create a spark and are willing to take  risk via charging ahead (if they create a spark) then the Wii U could still do ok-  But so far, IMO Iwata seems to take half measures -  Lets hope he will comit to a direction a run w it

Yeah, it definitely feels like Iwata had no back up plan and has kind of freaked out this past year trying to figure out what to do. He keeps going half heartedly at both the casuals and hardcore. He could capitalize on both if he just pushed both enough, but it seems like these games just come out and if they sell they sell. I think he was hoping our buying habits might show where we want the Wii U to go, but yet again it seems like 1st party is all that's selling which isn't showing him squat, everyone buys those. I hope when Bayo 2 and X drop sales will show we want those type of games and lead Wii U more down that road but who knows.

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So on nintendo's own site, their new flagship title is the fastest selling bundle. That isn't really a surprise.

DerNebel said:

MK8 Console bundle on Amazon (hourly best seller list):

UK:  279

Germany: 147

France: 207

Italy: 1124

Spain: 2972

Amazon doesn't sell WiiU hardware directly. Those numbers are low solely because its a rarity and being sold by a random Amazon user. Had Amazon/Nintendo not been in weird situation, the bundle would be selling well there as it is in other retailers.

However, Amazon is not a great tracker anyways and this OP is based on the Nintendo World Store Limited bundle.

Though I do think MK8 will sell very well and it will raise WiiU quite a bit at launch and hopefully have some long term effect.

superchunk said:
DerNebel said:

MK8 Console bundle on Amazon (hourly best seller list):

UK:  279

Germany: 147

France: 207

Italy: 1124

Spain: 2972

Amazon doesn't sell WiiU hardware directly. Those numbers are low solely because its a rarity and being sold by a random Amazon user. Had Amazon/Nintendo not been in weird situation, the bundle would be selling well there as it is in other retailers.

However, Amazon is not a great tracker anyways and this OP is based on the Nintendo World Store Limited bundle.

Though I do think MK8 will sell very well and it will raise WiiU quite a bit at launch and hopefully have some long term effect.

Wrong, isn't selling Wii Us anymore. In all those countries I listed Amazon still regularly sells the Wii U and also regularly lets people pre order this bundle, those low placements have nothing to do with the bundle being a "rarity".

lt_dan_27 said:
So on nintendo's own site, their new flagship title is the fastest selling bundle. That isn't really a surprise.

If amazon is also owned by Nintendo I see your point.

bigtakilla said:
Dunban67 said:

I agree- Even Iwata said early on that they needed a steady stream of compellig software to keep momentum-  That is soethng they have not done yet but hopefully they will do now-  They need to do a better job of communicating w the market (consumer) via reasonable release widows and occasional specifcs to keep things excited-  eveyone knows that if Nintendo says "in the future" it could mean tomorrrow or 3+ years from now

There are stll improvments they cold make all arond IMO re games and hardware so if they can create a spark and are willing to take  risk via charging ahead (if they create a spark) then the Wii U could still do ok-  But so far, IMO Iwata seems to take half measures -  Lets hope he will comit to a direction a run w it

Yeah, it definitely feels like Iwata had no back up plan and has kind of freaked out this past year trying to figure out what to do. He keeps going half heartedly at both the casuals and hardcore. He could capitalize on both if he just pushed both enough, but it seems like these games just come out and if they sell they sell. I think he was hoping our buying habits might show where we want the Wii U to go, but yet again it seems like 1st party is all that's selling which isn't showing him squat, everyone buys those. I hope when Bayo 2 and X drop sales will show we want those type of games and lead Wii U more down that road but who knows.

I agree and I can t wait for X-  I hope it sells very well in the US to prove the market