Dunban67 said: I agree- Even Iwata said early on that they needed a steady stream of compellig software to keep momentum- That is soethng they have not done yet but hopefully they will do now- They need to do a better job of communicating w the market (consumer) via reasonable release widows and occasional specifcs to keep things excited- eveyone knows that if Nintendo says "in the future" it could mean tomorrrow or 3+ years from now There are stll improvments they cold make all arond IMO re games and hardware so if they can create a spark and are willing to take risk via charging ahead (if they create a spark) then the Wii U could still do ok- But so far, IMO Iwata seems to take half measures - Lets hope he will comit to a direction a run w it |
Yeah, it definitely feels like Iwata had no back up plan and has kind of freaked out this past year trying to figure out what to do. He keeps going half heartedly at both the casuals and hardcore. He could capitalize on both if he just pushed both enough, but it seems like these games just come out and if they sell they sell. I think he was hoping our buying habits might show where we want the Wii U to go, but yet again it seems like 1st party is all that's selling which isn't showing him squat, everyone buys those. I hope when Bayo 2 and X drop sales will show we want those type of games and lead Wii U more down that road but who knows.