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Forums - Gaming Discussion - We all know Microsoft screwed up.


What was Microsoft's bigger mistake?

The DRM fiasco 253 30.01%
Forced Kinect and $100 price difference 305 36.18%
It wouldn't have mattere... 152 18.03%
I like turtles 128 15.18%
Porcupeth said:
Forced Kinect and $100 price difference

and poor exclusives

That's a bold statement for the current situation...

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walsufnir said:
Porcupeth said:
Forced Kinect and $100 price difference

and poor exclusives

That's a bold statement for the current situation...

exclusive-wise it's currently the weakest out of all 3

walsufnir said:
Burek said:
walsufnir said:
Burek said:
Trust me, the story might be sad, but I am a much happier man now.
Their XOne fiasco expanded my horizons, I was so committed to X360 that I've neglected other options. But when I saw what else is on offer, I realized that I have many opportunities I've never considered.

I purposely just wrote my story, instead of offering up an opinion or speculations about the original question, because probably all answers are correct depending on individuals answering.
There might be others like me, and in my case it was not a simple minus 1 sale for XOne, but also a plus 1 for PS4, so basically Microsoft's mistake doubled the damage to their marketshare.

May I ask how old you are? Really, it sounds as if you were very naive in your life. And you still seem to be as you still have a "this or nothing"-mentality, just with a Sony-tone instead of MS.

I am sorry, but I don't understand your inferrence. What does my age have to do with anything? I am quite old, have a job and a family and don't have much free time. Games are sort of an outlet for stress. So going with only one console is not my being close-minded, but practical. I don't have time or shelf space to use 2 or 3 of the same product. 

X360 for me offered a better experience, but XOne for me offers worse experience along with features and hardware I don't want or need. Because for 60-90 minutes of fun and relaxation before sleep, I don't need a Kinect. As I said, it is just my case.

A case in which $100 makes no difference, I spend that much monthly on completely unnecessary and random products.

A case in which DRM is irrelevant because I don't own a single disc-based product (whether film, music or games) except for some Teletubbies and Peppa Pig cartoons.

A case where I feel that forcing something upon me is unacceptable, regardless of the price.

And a case in which I personally feel that every MS product has a better alternative.


Honestly, when I wrote my first post, it was also because I felt that offering my personal story can be used as just one of the scenarios in question, and I really never expected that someone might take offense and start insulting me because if it. If anything, I would expect to catch grief if I started offering random opinions I have no clue about.

If you still have the need and urge to judge me, please fell free to do so, I will not be offended, it's an internet forum after all, but understand that I will not respond or converse with you anymore.

Seeing people that change their mind in such a drastic way (you said you won't never ever buy a product from MS anymore?!) often happens that these people are quite young, that's why I was asking. I am not judging you - I couldn't care less what you decide to buy. It is the general attitude of making the world in two halfs - black and white.

But considering you don't have much free time it's surprising you managed to get 150k gamerscore.

First you insinuate he is immature, then call him naive and after that you question his free time in getting his user score and basically call him a liar. And while having already quoted him multiple times you say you don't care! lol you have issues.

Online only.

For me that is the issue, DRM was only part of it. In order for them to maintain the idea that the disc you buy from a store is just something to transport the game and once installed you don't need it again is to somehow check that the game you own is rightfully, they did this by making you 'check in'. Essentially calling everyone a thief until otherwise stated.

What they forgot to realise is that not everyone is online, not everyone can have permanent 24 hr access. DRM exists on digital content already and no one complained but it was an option, not required, so you had a choice. This took that choice away.

Hmm, pie.

Porcupeth said:
walsufnir said:
Porcupeth said:
Forced Kinect and $100 price difference

and poor exclusives

That's a bold statement for the current situation...

exclusive-wise it's currently the weakest out of all 3

I guess that's at least arguable but I doubt a discussion about it would do no good to this thread so it's better we leave it as it is

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The system is less powerful then PS4 so it cant cost more. Drop the price to $399 and keep turning heads with more exclusive games like Sunset Overdrive. Problem solved.

The main issue was Microsoft itself. They trampled all over the consumer as they proceeded to say they knew better.

They eventually realised they werent all encompassing and changed those views, but it was too late to undo most of the damage. The X1 doesnt sell in europe because of Microsoft first and the kinect second.

rolltide101x said:
PigPen said:
whatever said:
PigPen said:
It's not over till the fat lady sings. All the choices isn't damaging since Microsoft got rid of the DRM. The extra 100 for kinect isn't that bad. Not doing 1080p is the bigger mistake.

I don't think the power difference is significant enough on it's own to cause the PS4 to outsell the XB1.  I think having that power difference on top of everything else just adds to the problems for MS.

I disagree with that.

Power has very little to do with the current situation. If so the Xbox (1) would have outsold the PS2 and the PS3 would have dominated the 360.

The games will always rule, but power has a lot to do with a person choice.

the reveal focus on tv tv tv sports
the drm fiasco
the price
the forced bundling of kinect
the low specs
the terribly designed OS

...all just symptoms of the core problem. their (unfounded) arrogance.

The the U.S. and the U.K., it was the price point. For the rest of the world, the writing has been on the wall since 2009.

I am the Playstation Avenger.