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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
bananaking21 said:
DerNebel said:

"The point is, if you're not satisfied this year, then there really isn't much to it in the future if I'm honest. This is about as good as it gets for the most part."

Big words, let's hope that turns out true.

see the problem with that is that its highly subjective based on ones personal taste. last years gamescom was really really good IMO, though a lot of people came out disappointed. tearaway unfolded, wild, and tomorrow children announced. tearaway was a big deal for me. The Order, bloodborne and LBP gameplay trailers. hellblade was announced and looked great. silent hills was a nice surprise (while it lasted) and there was a lot more. its about taste honestly. 

Yeah he addressed something like that in another post, he said that this years Sony conference is going to have a bit of almost everything, western, japanese, vr, third party and also some more casual things and that while you might not be into all of that, there's at least going to be something for everyone and that as long as people don't go completely bonkers with their expectations and expect a dozen megatons they should be satisfied by Sonys conference.

Oh and anyone that was disappointed by last years Gamescom conference must be crazy, that conferecne was awesome.

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TheGoldenBoy said:
bananaking21 said:

some people were expecting megatons. gamescom isnt the place for that. 

People expect too much at the wrong times

thats why they are always disappointed. last E3 was pretty good for Sony IMO, yet people were left disappointed. i believe this E3 will be better for them, but they wont go on stage to announce exclusive after exclusive. my hope is that they announce:

- two big AAA exclusives (i know level 5 is gonna announce their game, which i have zero interest in, so while its more of a stretch, i hope they announce two western AAA exclusives)

- a big AAA third party game i am interested in. (im actually a bit worried by the lack of talk about third parties and speculation, i want more games from third parties, and a big part of E3 for me is the new third party games announced there, last year they announced Dead Island 2 and showed Destiny which were both great for me, this year i am a bit worried honestly)

- release dates for No Mans Sky, Uncharted, Until dawn and Tearaway unfolded. (i think ALL these are realistic, though ucharted might not get a release date)

DerNebel said:

Yeah he addressed something like that in another post, he said that this years Sony conference is going to have a bit of almost everything, western, japanese, vr and also some more casual things and that while you might not be into all of that, there's at least going to be something for everyone and that as long as people don't go completely bonkers with their expectations and expect a dozen megatons they should be satisfied by Sonys conference.

Oh and anyone that was disappointed by last years Gamescom conference must be crazy, that conferecne was awesome.

not trying to start something here, but there were people who said that MS's confrence was way better and they just announced some bundles, screamride and that Tomb Raider was a timed exclusive. so yeah, there were certainly some mixed opinions on their gamescom if my memory serves me right. though i loved it, but i enjoyed E3 last year more, i just enjoyed it a lot (i am blocking out those horribe and boring 20 minutes of youtube and powers talk though)

bananaking21 said:
DerNebel said:

Yeah he addressed something like that in another post, he said that this years Sony conference is going to have a bit of almost everything, western, japanese, vr and also some more casual things and that while you might not be into all of that, there's at least going to be something for everyone and that as long as people don't go completely bonkers with their expectations and expect a dozen megatons they should be satisfied by Sonys conference.

Oh and anyone that was disappointed by last years Gamescom conference must be crazy, that conferecne was awesome.

not trying to start something here, but there were people who said that MS's confrence was way better and they just announced some bundles, screamride and that Tomb Raider was a timed exclusive. so yeah, there were certainly some mixed opinions on their gamescom if my memory serves me right. though i loved it, but i enjoyed E3 last year more, i just enjoyed it a lot (i am blocking out those horribe and boring 20 minutes of youtube and powers talk though)

Yeah I get where you're coming from, to me the MS conference wasn't nearly as entertaining as Sonys, all I remember from MS' is Quantum Break gameplay (which didn't look as amazing to me as it did to other people apparently) and the Tomb Raider thing, But let's just leave it at that. :D

DerNebel said:

Yeah I get where you're coming from, to me the MS conference wasn't nearly as entertaining as Sonys, all I remember from MS' is Quantum Break gameplay (which didn't look as amazing to me as it did to other people apparently) and the Tomb Raider thing, But let's just leave it at that. :D

yeah the quantum break gameplay, forgot about that, still i feel the same way. 

for the past 3 years sony has made gamescom more about quirky and unique games rather than the AAA megatons and blockbusters. games like tearaway, puppeteer, Rime, Tomorrow Children, Everybodies gone to the rapture, Rain and so on. and honestly i like that quite a lot. these games can be really fun and a lot to the library of a console IMO. and even if i am not really interested in most of these games when they come out, its still a much more entertaining show. 

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Nice to see this thread going.

celador said:

Think we may get Sly 5 announced as well, which won't excite too many people, but I am a fan of the series and would like another one.

Hoping for that!

Although I'm wondering wether it'll be Sly 5 or a Sly reboot in the vein of Ratchet and Clank.

TheGoldenBoy said:
bananaking21 said:

see the problem with that is that its highly subjective based on ones personal taste. last years gamescom was really really good IMO, though a lot of people came out disappointed. tearaway unfolded, wild, and tomorrow children announced. tearaway was a big deal for me. The Order, bloodborne and LBP gameplay trailers. hellblade was announced and looked great. silent hills was a nice surprise (while it lasted) and there was a lot more. its about taste honestly. 

Really? I thought most said that last year's Gamescom was even better than their E3. 

For me, I was disappointed that Sony abruptly ended its press conference. Sony had a great Gamescom, but they always seem to have issues with pacing. Last E3, they got tedious with Powers and Shawn Layden (which wasn't his fault. He was given pretty pedestrian things to talk about). In Gamescom, Sony was making announcement after announcement and suddenly, conference over!

I think Sony will do a much better job with pacing this year. Adam Boyes was on GAF (see #1238 & #1240) and listened to people's concerns. He even poked fun at himself and I gave him a few suggestions myself

Aura7541 said:
TheGoldenBoy said:

Really? I thought most said that last year's Gamescom was even better than their E3. 

For me, I was disappointed that Sony abruptly ended its press conference. Sony had a great Gamescom, but they always seem to have issues with pacing. Last E3, they got tedious with Powers and Shawn Layden (which wasn't his fault. He was given pretty pedestrian things to talk about). In Gamescom, Sony was making announcement after announcement and suddenly, conference over!

I think Sony will do a much better job with pacing this year. Adam Boyes was on GAF (see #1238 & #1240) and listened to people's concerns. He even poked fun at himself and I gave him a few suggestions myself

I'll agree that their pacing is awful and they need to work on their endings better. Most people generally remember the ending instead of the middle. Leaving a good final impression is important. So it was surprising to see that they ended PSX with Drawn to Death. Seeing a new IP was nice, but they probably should have ended with Uncharted instead of starting with it.

Hopefully you're right and they fix those problems this year.

I just more JRPG's to play along with all the other regular games.