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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
celador said:
The Order looking like ending up in the mid-60s

How long until Sony are called arrogant and there is a load of concern posting about first party studios?

Well something really needs to be done by Sony. Because so far every first party game have underperformed quality wise och with reviews. They have nailed the graphic parts but missed on so many other things.(Excluding Last of Us since it's originaly a PS3 title)


In long term this can really hurt the PS brand if they don't step it up. They did so amazingly well on PS3 but so far they have dissapoint. That said i'm more then satisfied with my PS4 thanks to third party games and Driveclub(post support that made it great). Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

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kivi95 said:
celador said:
The Order looking like ending up in the mid-60s

How long until Sony are called arrogant and there is a load of concern posting about first party studios?

Well something really needs to be done by Sony. Because so far every first party game have underperformed quality wise och with reviews. They have nailed the graphic parts but missed on so many other things.(Excluding Last of Us since it's originaly a PS3 title)


In long term this can really hurt the PS brand if they don't step it up. They did so amazingly well on PS3 but so far they have dissapoint. That said i'm more then satisfied with my PS4 thanks to third party games and Driveclub(post support that made it great).

I think reviews for most PS4 exclusives have been terrible and the games themselves have been great in cases like Infamous: Second Son and Driveclub. That said yeah the PS brand will definitely be hurt if Sony continues making short games with poor reviews as people might start looking over at XB1's exclusives and consider buying it instead of a PS4.

kivi95 said:
celador said:
The Order looking like ending up in the mid-60s

How long until Sony are called arrogant and there is a load of concern posting about first party studios?

Well something really needs to be done by Sony. Because so far every first party game have underperformed quality wise och with reviews. They have nailed the graphic parts but missed on so many other things.(Excluding Last of Us since it's originaly a PS3 title)


In long term this can really hurt the PS brand if they don't step it up. They did so amazingly well on PS3 but so far they have dissapoint. That said i'm more then satisfied with my PS4 thanks to third party games and Driveclub(post support that made it great).

Not every game has underperformed. InFamous, LBP3 and MLB all got good scores.

I'm reserving judgement on Sony's studios until the end of this year. Bloodborne, Tearaway Unfolded, Until Dawn, Uncharted and at least one more AAA, probably Sony Bend's horror game, should be out by then. If Bloodborne, Uncharted and Tearaway don't score well then there should be real cause for concern. At this stage, Sony is lucky it gets games like Guilty Gear, Yakuza and Persona for nothing.

celador said:
kivi95 said:

Well something really needs to be done by Sony. Because so far every first party game have underperformed quality wise och with reviews. They have nailed the graphic parts but missed on so many other things.(Excluding Last of Us since it's originaly a PS3 title)


In long term this can really hurt the PS brand if they don't step it up. They did so amazingly well on PS3 but so far they have dissapoint. That said i'm more then satisfied with my PS4 thanks to third party games and Driveclub(post support that made it great).

Not every game has underperformed. InFamous, LBP3 and MLB all got good scores.

I'm reserving judgement on Sony's studios until the end of this year. Bloodborne, Tearaway Unfolded, Until Dawn, Uncharted and at least one more AAA, probably Sony Bend's horror game, should be out by then. If Bloodborne, Uncharted and Tearaway don't score well then there should be real cause for concern. At this stage, Sony is lucky it gets games like Guilty Gear, Yakuza and Persona for nothing.

Infamous :Second Son looked amazing and played solid BUT it lacked diversity both in mission structure and enemy vararity and was a step down from previous games in the serie. LBP3 was also lacking especially the campaign and had problems and still do. MLB great as always but continue to have a very bad net code.


Bloodborne,Uncharted 4(lot's of pressure) and Tearawy should do well altough Uncharted 4 is the only big gun between does. Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

Worlds of Magic coming to the PS4 on Q3 2015.


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Aura7541 said:
Worlds of Magic coming to the PS4 on Q3 2015.


Interesting. Really hope they make use of the touch pad in a good way because these kinds of games could work well on PS4. Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

Stache +

A rumor, so far, but Abyss Odyssey might be going on the PS4.

Any Order impressions from you guys yet?

This forum is rather negative, so hoping safe to say here excited to play The Order soon. Love the setting, characters and weapons. Seems like a game could beat multiple times.