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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
Runa216 said:
YOu know, one thing I'm growing increasingly sure of: PS4 isn't about exclusives, it's just about having fucking everything in one place all at once. How many games are coming to it from previous generations, from other exclusives, from indie devs, etc.

People berate PS4 for not having exclusives (at this point it's kind of true, but we all know SOny goes in for the long haul with the exclusives, PS3 proved that), but damn if it doesn't have virtually everything else. the way Sony is going, PS4 is gonna have everything but Microsoft and Nintendo exclusives, leaving you with little reason to have anything else.

Me, I got PS4 for most of my gaming, my WiiU for its exclusives and virtual console, and a PC for the games that are best on there. Still waiting on something worth getting on Xbone. TitanFall is good, but I've already 'beat' it and I'm not a competitive multiplayer gamer, I prefer campaigns. I don't care for Forza or Halo, never have. Never liked Dead Rising. Right now, Sunset Overdrive is really all that system has that excites me. I think I'll live :P

And what's with this Street fighter announcement? like, what the hell? that's not fair at all. No reason it can't be on Xbox and WiiU as well. I loves my exclusives, but that's just dumb.

"4ThePlayers" is a bit cheesy, but I think Sony have proved that it wasn't just a tagline.  They have clearly been working hard to make the PS4 a great gaming console with the sheer weight of games.  From getting tons of indie support, to getting PS4 versions of games like Persona 5 and DQ: Heroes, as well as making partnerships with studios like Ready at Dawn and From Software to bolster up exclusives.

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I am fucking done with this garbage message system. It takes me over 8 minutes to receive messages and as if that wasn't enough, after 2.03 messages also sometimes fail to send at all or sometimes they'll be send multiple times.

lol Fuck you too, Sqaure.

Overall, I liked the keynote despite some hiccups here and there. This is also the first time Sony has done this and I hope they'll do this again next year.

gooch_destroyer said:
lol Fuck you too, Sqaure.

I know right, how dare they give us FFVII on PS4 =P

People should just be happy its happening, your never getting the FFVII remake you want... well unless you Kickstart it and raise like 20m before SQEX pulls it down. That would prove FFVII HD could be viable and profitable.

Around the Network

No Crash. I am dissapointed.

Pretty good conference 7.5/10.

EA's free games are active in the UK, and I assume EU.

I have been tempted with Mirrors Edge before, glad I get to try it for free

Shinobi says EA Access coming soon to PS

Its official (and not very pretty)