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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%


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People's good will towards Sony will disappear incredibly quickly if this continues. Can you imagine how pissed Activision and Bungie will be if this continues during Destiny launch?

celador said:
People's good will towards Sony will disappear incredibly quickly if this continues. Can you imagine how pissed Activision and Bungie will be if this continues during Destiny launch?

Sony's making a tutorial on ''how to fuck up a 5million console lead within 1 week''.

overreaction much? the RROD fiasco was a lot worse and didn't do much
better the network than the hardware

Raziel123 said:
overreaction much? the RROD fiasco was a lot worse and didn't do much
better the network than the hardware

Online functionality is way more important than it was then and it's importance increases all the time.  How long do you think the Cod and Fifa crowd are going to hang on to a system where online play is frequently down?

Around the Network
celador said:
Raziel123 said:
overreaction much? the RROD fiasco was a lot worse and didn't do much
better the network than the hardware

Online functionality is way more important than it was then and it's importance increases all the time.  How long do you think the Cod and Fifa crowd are going to hang on to a system where online play is frequently down?

It's not frequently down.

And I don't care about the cod and FIFA crowd. They are welcome to change. The PS community is worse than ever right now and it's probably because of the converts. I'd trade sales numbers for a community that doesn't think Destiny is the shiznit and that indies are dumb.

Some inFAMOUS: First Light reviews:

IGN 7.5: inFAMOUS: First Light is a decent story around a better character than Second Son, but its battles don’t have the same scale or superpower variety that Second Son’s do. After the short campaign, its challenge maps put a new spin on combat by taking away your ability to escape danger on a whim, making it much tougher.

PSNation 9.0: inFAMOUS First Light is a pretty great extension to what was established in inFAMOUS Second Son. The nice thing is that it’s completely standalone (even being available on disc in Europe at a later date), so it’s actually a good opportunity to figure out if you want to buy Second Son or not. I enjoyed the story quite a bit, and it really plays out differently than you would expect.

You’re getting a lot of content for $15, and if you liked Second Son, you’ll definitely enjoy First Light. If you haven’t played Second Son yet though, this is your opportunity to see if you’d like it or not. Personally, I enjoyed First Light quite a bit. To me, more inFAMOUS is always a good thing.

Destructoid 8.5: Great: Impressive efforts with a few noticeable problems holding it back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth your time and cash. Full stop, inFamous: First Light is more Second Son, which is a good thing. Although I wasn't nearly as invested in Fetch as I was with Delsin's story, this is a great way for fans to return to the super-powered world of Seattle, and an even better way for newcomers to get a taste of the series.

PSN working very well for me.

Has anyone here played Serious Sam BFE? It is a pretty good price right now in the sale

celador said:
Has anyone here played Serious Sam BFE? It is a pretty good price right now in the sale

Great game. I played it on PC.