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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
Zekkyou said:

Really? Well that's good to hear. I have nothing against modern military themed games but... it's a somewhat over-saturated market :/ I'd rather Bend try their hand at something different.


yup. its just concept art the artist has done before, its not related to the game. 

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Looks like PixelOpus (Entwined) is located in San Mateo, California (0:57 in the video)

PixelOpus consists of 6 College Graduants and Art Director Jeff Sangalli and Creative Director Dominic Robilliard.

the-pi-guy said:
I think Sony needs more Japanese studios.

Or actually have Japan Studios make their own games.  But more would be a good thing.

The Banner Saga Traipsing Onto Tablets, PS4 & Vita Versions May Follow Later This Year

Stoic Games has announced that The Banner Saga will be releasing on iOS and Android tablets at some point this summer, with the possibility of PS4 and PS Vita versions releasing later this year. If the name sounds familiar to you then you may remember that Stoic were embroiled in a bit of a battle with King, the developer behind Candy Crush Saga. At the time King were trying to block Stoic from trademarking The Banner Saga, with this down to using the word saga. Eventually this was dropped and the game released.

The Banner Saga was originally developed with tablets in mind, but the PC release came first. While Stoic would like to see the game on Sony consoles, getting the release sorted depends on time as the studio only consists of three people.

“For Vita, I’d much rather see it on PlayStation 4 first, then work on the Vita. The Vita might need some changes to take advantage of the fact that it’s both control and touch at the same time.”

The PC version has recently been localised for French,German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish audiences.

Space Hulk: Deathwing Coming to PS4 in 2015

+ Posted by Pierrick Le Nestour on Jun 27, 2014 // Lead Level Designer, Streum On Studio

Hello, PlayStation.Blog readers, we’re from Streum On Studio. Today, we’re glad to present to you our baby, Space Hulk: Deathwing, planned for launch in 2015 on PS4. Watch this brand new trailer using the game’s engine, the beautiful Unreal Engine 4.

For those not familiar with the game, Space Hulk: Deathwing is a first-person shooter experience of Games Workshop’s classic Space Hulk board game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Space Hulk: Deathwing offers players the chance to experience a desperate battle against Genestealers in the claustrophobic tunnels of a Space Hulk, as they gain skills, new abilities, and new equipment thanks to experience earned during perilous missions.

Space Hulks drift along the currents of the Warp, the immaterial dimension of Chaos. Made up of gigantic mangled asteroids, derelict ship wrecks, and other spatial debris, they sometimes grow to the size of a moon and often contain treasured and ancient lost technologies. However, they are ripe with danger including infestations of the lethal Genestealers.

You’ll take on the role of a Space Marine from one of the most secret and most feared Space Marine Companies: the Deathwing from the Dark Angels. Strap on your Terminator armor and equip the emblematic weaponry of the Space Marines to overcome the threats awaiting you in the Space Hulk. As a Librarian, you will also master the destructive powers of the Psykers. Your skills and performance in battle grant you Fervor Points, to spend on 4 skill trees allowing you to improve your abilities, unlock new powers, access powerful relics, and devastating new weapons.

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Destiny trophies/achievements

Woooooah there fellas, 8 posts since i last checked the thread. Things must have gotten wild.

Zekkyou said:
Woooooah there fellas, 8 posts since i last checked the thread. Things must have gotten wild.

This thread can't even handle me.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Having difficulty keeping myself from doing another TLOU playthrough
wanted to distance my ps3 experience from the ps4 port but it's getting hard
the fact that i keep listening to the soundtrack doesn't help