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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
bananaking21 said:
Mr_No said:

They need to do this more frequently: set loose some false info, wait for the leakers to spread said FUD and catch them redhanded. And then tie them up and force them to see an endless loop of Sony's E3 from 2006.

its not that easy. Sony's game Division has thousands of people working there, and any or most are in a position to know a lot of whats going on with Sony first party and second party devs. leaking false info, that might be passed on from one guy to another in the studio and trying to catch them red handed is virtually impossible. 

I know they mean well by leaking out info and letting us gamers know about some games, but where's the fun on that? Simply because some of them have a massive ego, that doesn't mean they should inflate it more by leaking out surprises before E3. Was it always like this? Leaking new games before E3?

Around the Network

Still crying I can't watch Sony's E3 conference live :'(

I can't wait to watch the conference in SF theater tomorrow with my friends.

poklane said:
I think Sony may have caught (some of) the leakers

Neil Druckmann: ''Internal sources exposed. Thanks a lot, guys.''

He's just taking shots at IGN. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

poklane said:
Still crying I can't watch Sony's E3 conference live :'(

I'll be pulling an almost allnighter for it, fortunately I only have one class at 4pm on tuesday.

Around the Network
bananaking21 said:

i have yet to post my prediction, but i will. and i am officially going crazy with it. lets start!


Uncharted PS4, in game trailer(gameplay + cutescenes). release date NOV 2014!!

The Order 1886, gameplay shown, release date feb 2015

Project Morphous shown, release date late 2015.

with PM sony will announce Pixel Opus, new IP, VR tittle, launch tittle for PM.

Farcry 4, gameplay shown, release date nov

Destiny, gameplay shown, release date as it is with Beta next month

Battlefield 4 gameplay shown, oct release date

assassins creed Unity gameplay shown, releaste date oct

Epic games new IP, in engine trailer, 2015. PS4 exclusive!

The Last Guardian, in engine trailer, Summer 2015

Agent, in engine trailer, March 2015. PS4 exclusive

GG new IP, in engire trailer, no release date given.

Quantic Dream new IP, gameplay + story trailer, VR game, PM launch tittle.

Project Beast announced, gameplay trailer, 2015. 

8.5 million PS4s sold. 


i know this is the stuff of wet dreams. but to win you need to gamble! and thats what i did with my predictions  

This would be a great list if it werent full of VR crap, all those VR games beeing regular games would be awesome but sadly Sony is gona waste time, money and effort on VR stupidity both on E3 this year and after it.

PlayMatt said:
poklane said:
Well, prepare your anus for all the leaks

it's already ready! come fill it with you leaky cream

Steve Butts Editor-In-Chief at IGN apologizes for The Last Guardian...'story'.

I guess people ignored my gif.