bananaking21 said:
i have yet to post my prediction, but i will. and i am officially going crazy with it. lets start!
Uncharted PS4, in game trailer(gameplay + cutescenes). release date NOV 2014!!
The Order 1886, gameplay shown, release date feb 2015
Project Morphous shown, release date late 2015.
with PM sony will announce Pixel Opus, new IP, VR tittle, launch tittle for PM.
Farcry 4, gameplay shown, release date nov
Destiny, gameplay shown, release date as it is with Beta next month
Battlefield 4 gameplay shown, oct release date
assassins creed Unity gameplay shown, releaste date oct
Epic games new IP, in engine trailer, 2015. PS4 exclusive!
The Last Guardian, in engine trailer, Summer 2015
Agent, in engine trailer, March 2015. PS4 exclusive
GG new IP, in engire trailer, no release date given.
Quantic Dream new IP, gameplay + story trailer, VR game, PM launch tittle.
Project Beast announced, gameplay trailer, 2015.
8.5 million PS4s sold.
i know this is the stuff of wet dreams. but to win you need to gamble! and thats what i did with my predictions