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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
Versus_Evil said:
Half way through my second playthrough of Uncharted 4. Now I've played both it and ROTR, Honestly ROTR holds its own pretty damn well. I do think Uncharted 4 is a better game tho.

the 2013 was a pretty good game. not as good as uncharted, but its a game id strongly recommend. specially for uncharted fans. from what i saw, i did like tomb raider 2013 more than RoTR. i still havent played RoTR yet though to make a final judgement. 

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Lauster said:
lonerism said:
So, any discount on Star Ocean yet? lol

I saw this yesterday (47$), but maybe you can find a better deal elsewhere :

Damn, guess I will have to wait a little longer



Versus_Evil said:
Ratchet & Clank 2016 is amazing, one of the most visually impressive game this gen. I'm impressed, one of the best remakes I've seen.

I actually plat that game.

R&C is great.
Insomniac should join Sony WWS :)

Versus_Evil said:
Welp, after years of not have any issue with paying on PSN, i can no longer pay using my CC or PayPal... like both just don't work at all on PSN for me anymore. Luckily i can get PSN cards easily. But its kind of annoying.

Had the same problem. To fix it I erased my CC info on PSN and waited for at least 12 hours, after that I reinserted the CC number and it worked fine.

Around the Network

So Katherine is done and I got the good k-ending, thank god I played the game on easy^^ the next game I will finish is freedom wars.

Versus_Evil said:
ReimTime said:
This thread is very lively
What is everyone picking up this fall? I've got FFXV pre-ordered, and I'll be scooping GT Sport and an FPS (either BF1 or COD4 Remastered) up for sure as well. Really want TLG and No Man's Sky but I've already traded in all my non-vital organs to EBGames

For Fall? Dishonoured 2 i think is my only Fall game. Also might get FF15.

I see you're back on our side of the fence lol

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Debating getting Infinite Warfare or Titanfall 2 this Fall. I love the futuristic stuff so its tough to decide.

"Say what you want about Americans but we understand Capitalism.You buy yourself a product and you Get What You Pay For."  

- Max Payne 3

Ape escape 2 is on the psn store and is pretty cheap :) (with trophies). .

BasilZero said:
alternine said:

Debating getting Infinite Warfare or Titanfall 2 this Fall. I love the futuristic stuff so its tough to decide.


I would say SP wise - go with Titanfall 2 since the SP might be good.


If you are more into MP - I would say go with Infinite Warfare since I'm pretty sure CoD will outsell Titanfall and will have more players online too.

Been watching campaign videos from COD and I gotta say its looks a lot better than Titanfall 2's campaign. But Titanfall 2's multiplayer will probably be more fun. Decisions hmm

"Say what you want about Americans but we understand Capitalism.You buy yourself a product and you Get What You Pay For."  

- Max Payne 3