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PS4 3.50 system software update – key features detailed
The closed beta goes live on 2nd March
Our beta program for PS4’s next major system software update, codenamed Musashi (or 3.50 if you prefer numbers), kicks off on 2nd March. If you signed up for the beta and were selected, keep an eye on your email for instructions on downloading.
Regardless of whether you’re in the beta, we wanted to detail some of the key features we’re adding to PS4 in this update. We’re making it easier to connect and play together with friends and the wider community, as well as introducing some much requested features.
Friend Online Notification – Want to know the moment your friends come online? With this update, you can, as we’ve added an option to be notified when members of your friends list sign in on the network. Notifications can be tailored to certain friends.
Appear Offline – Sometimes you want to play a game or watch a movie without being interrupted. Now it’s easier to go incognito as we’ve added the option to appear offline. You can designate if you would like to appear offline when you log-in or at any time from your Profile or the Quick Menu.
User Scheduled Event – Now it’s easier to organise a game session. We’ve added the ability to schedule a future gameplay session with your friends on the system. When your event starts, users who registered for the event will automatically be added to a party so you can start playing right away.
Remote Play (PC/Mac) – We’re bringing PS4 Remote Play to Windows PC and Mac. This feature won’t be available to test in the beta, but you can look forward to it soon.
Dailymotion, new service partner in Share feature – Dailymotion, an additional live streaming service, will become available for PS4 users to enhance their broadcast experience. Like other live streaming services available on PS4, users will enjoy the following features: Activity Feed, What’s New Broadcast Info Tile, Live Detail and Live from PlayStation.